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Design must complement content


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2010/04/05 11:42 AM RssIcon

When I was in the USA in 1994, I was taken to a restaurant where they had a eat all you can buffet.  As I moved down the line, I came to a place where they had some delicious looking fruit salad. I love fruit. So I ordered a big bowl of fruit salad.

When I got to the table, I dug into the fruit. As I put it into my mouth I nearly brought it back up again. It was horrible. In fact, the fruit salad, had salad dressing over it.Yuk.

How often have you seen something that just looks scrumptious  but found out that it tastes awful. How often have people come to your blog to find out that it looks great, but does not deliver on content.

Or how often have you stumbled upon an awful looking blog, but was surprised to find out that there was brilliant content within.


The design, look and feel of your blog is the first impression that you make. It is what entices people to come in and look around. It should be crisp, clean and attractive. It should be inviting. It should call out to me and tell me that there is more greatness within.

With so many blogs competing for readers, the pressure is on to create a blog that is attractive and engaging.

80% of bloggers do not pay anything for their blog design. They either design it themselves or use free templates. Often times you can tell when a blogger did a self design. If you have graphic skills then great. If not, find someone who knows there stuff and who can help out.

  • Here are some easy tips to consider:
  • Keep it simple
  • Make your title attractive and inviting
  • Use white space
  • Make an attractive banner
  • Add visual interest with photographs
  • Make sure your design speaks to your purpose
  • Make the text easy to read
  • Make use of colour schemes
  • Use complementary colours
  • Place key information above the fold
  • Have clear navigation
  • Get rid of clutter
  • Don’t overdo the ads
  • Don’t overdo the social bookmarking icons
  • Write for your readers not search engines

Here are some great articles to read on Blog Design

Effective Blog Design Tips for Successful Blogging

Blog design tips


Now that you have great content, it would be a shame to disappoint with sub standard articles. Remember Content is King

There is so much rubbish on the Internet today. Every Tom, Dick and Jane thinks that if they start a blog they are going to get heaps of traffic and consequently make money.

Problem is that just as many blogs fail and die than are created every day. Why? Well a good potion of those are because of lack of traffic, lack of interest as a result of poor content.

Readers are after information. They want their needs fulfilled. So the best way to have a successful blog is to give them what they want.

Here are some tips for great content.

  • Make sure your article is unique
  • Original content is a must
  • Give your readers information
  • Fulfil a need
  • Make sure of your facts
  • Do proper research
  • Make your post scanable. Use heading, lists, indentations paragraphs
  • Write in short paragraphs
  • Be honest
  • Write with personality. Use our own style. don’t copy someone else
  • Make use of diagrams, charts and pictures
  • Your article should be entertaining
  • Your article should be educational
  • Distinguish yourself from the rest of the pack

Here are two great articles to read on content

How to write great content from

How to Effectively Create Content for your Niche Blogs: An Introduction and Guide from DoshDosh


Site design and content are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to have the best of both worlds. I would say that it is essential.

What’s the point if you have a great looking site, but your content sucks. Vice versa, you have quality content, but your site makes me vomit.

Is there anything that you feel can be improved on your site?

Do you have any tips of your own to share?

Related reading:

Top 20 design flaws to avoid in your website / blog

Five essential aspects of web design.

List of HTML Design tutorials and resources.

Design and Content. A match made in heaven

7 Ways of getting fresh content for your blog.

T = mc2 – The quintessential formula to blog traffic.

The Secret Formula to Writing Killer Headlines - Guaranteed.

Why should I visit your blog? 21 Questions I would ask.

Remember you can win a weeks worth of free ad space just for commenting. The best comments during the week will get a weeks free advertising space. Check out: Win free advertising for your blog

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