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Win free advertising for your blog


Written by:
2009/11/11 10:51 AM RssIcon

Free advertisingI have developed a passion for blogging. It is in my blood, part of my life. I have also developed a strong desire to help other fellow bloggers. Blogging being part of the Social Media phenomenon is the perfect place to be social and help others.

One of the sustaining forces of a blog is traffic. Bloggers are ever looking for ways and means to promote their blog and increase their traffic. Advertising seems to be a good effective way of doing this. But many times it can be expensive. Is there a way to have free advertising and increase your traffic?

Over the last few months I have been thinking of and developing various ways and methods that will help bloggers with promoting their blogs and increasing their traffic. One of those methods is Free advertising.

To that end I came up with an idea. Why not offer free advertising on my blog. Why not help others to promote their blog, by doing this I will be helping to promote my blog.

But I must admit there is a catch. I am not just going to offer free advertising to every Tom, Dick or Jane. That would be crazy, and I would not be able to handle that. So what I decided was to have some sort of competition.

My blog averages over 8000 page views a month, so you could end up having 2000 ad impressions in a week. That’s about R400 worth of advertising. Not bad for free hey? According to, I am in the top 80 000 visited sites in the world, and rank in the top 700 in South Africa. Not bad I think.

The competition

The competition will have three flavours or divisions to it:

Best Comments - If you comment on one of my posts, I will choose the best comment and you will win one week of free advertising on my blog.

You mention and link to my blog in a post - If you mention and link back to my blog in a blog post of yours, you will win one free week of advertising. No judging here, you just get one free week of advertising.

You write a post about my blog. If you write a full post about my blog I will give you one month, thats right, one month of free advertising.

Some Rules

Obviously there are rules. Please read them carefully.

  • No Pornography, foul language, hate speech, racists, gambling , or any site a child cannot browse allowed.
  • I have the right to stop an ad campaign at my discretion.
  • Ad sizes will be 160x160
  • Your ads should be ready before hand as your ad campaign will start the following Monday.
  • These rules will change and be added to in the future
  • DM me at @robertbravery on either Twitter or Gatorpeeps if and when you participate
  • You supply the ad and the back link address before the following Monday.
  • The back link has to point to your blog and not some other third party website
  • I will DM or email you if and when you have won the ad space. Make sure you are contactable

Let's get started

To start this off, I will be testing this idea and campaign out this week. So for the rest of this week, including this post the competition is open. Dm me if you want your comments to be included in the competition, particularly comments on this post. You're welcome to share this with your friends and fellow bloggers, I will accept any blogger into the competition, provide they have adhered to the rules above.

I will let you know at the end of next week how this idea panned out. Let’s work together, we can help each other. 

If you can't create an ad for your blog or don't have an ad, let me know. I can create one for you. Obviously at a price, but it won't be expensive or expansive.

So the best comment on this post will win the free 160x160 ad on my blog


The competition is working out great. I have some great comments. So far I have had 5 winners who have enjoyed over 50,000 views for their ads. So lets keep this going.

Related Reading:

Are Internet Ads Effective?

So you want to monetise your blog do you?

How to promote your blog by networking

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15 comment(s) so far...


Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Brilliant Robert, this sounds like an awesome opportunity for the smaller blogs. You benefit and you help out the smaller guys..... (Banging head on table ) ... why did I not think of this.

By Bryan on  2009/11/11 12:12 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Very kind of you, Robert.

By Gordie Rogers on  2009/11/11 12:41 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Nice idea Robert, I'm keen!

I agree that you shouldn't offer free advertising to Tom, Dick or Jane - they really don't deserve it ;o)

I have a proposal: I'm averaging 20 000 unique visits a month (according to Afrigator). Although I never make more than R100 a month :C Anyway, I'll blogroll you if you blogroll me? :-)

By Galen on  2009/11/11 01:24 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Super idea and a wonderful way to help others.
This is really a nice gesture on your part and I will support the effort, not just to win an ad spot, but to keep the sharing spirit in full swing.

By Jimi Jones on  2009/11/11 01:29 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Done, Added you to my blogroll

By Robert Bravery on  2009/11/11 02:09 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Have done likewise :-)
But seriously, let's talk business! Drop me a mail if you're interested

By Galen on  2009/11/11 02:16 PM

Win free advertising for your blog

I have developed a passion for blogging. It is in my blood, part of my life. I have also developed a strong desire to help other fellow bloggers. Blogging being part of the Social Media phenomenon is the perfect place to be social and help others. One of the sustaining forces of a blog is traffic. Bloggers are ever looking for ways and means to promote their blog and increase their traffic. Advertising seems to be a good effective way of doing this. But many times it can be expensive. Is there a way to have free advertising and increase your traffic?

By TrackBack on  2009/11/11 02:38 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Great idea Robert - looking forward to seeing how this goes - you could start a really decent network going with this.

By Mike CJ on  2009/11/11 03:55 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Brilliant idea fella! What a great thing to offer?

By chris on  2009/11/11 04:25 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Well Done Robert and I hope it takes off for you and the bloggers you promote.

By Kevin Tea on  2009/11/11 05:25 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Excellent idea. I'll definitely get a blog post together. Can't pass up a freebie!

By Devon Dudgeon on  2009/11/11 07:18 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog


This is one heck of an idea! I can't wait to see the results of your 'test.' It seems like if it went over well and increased traffic for you as well as the winner, you could make it a monthly project where one week per month you ran this little contest and someone got a week of free advertisement.

Another idea would be to find a group of bloggers, perhaps Twitter12, who would be willing to offer space and the winner of the contest could choose which site they would like their ad to appear on based on niche.

If you decide to do something like this, let me know. I'd love to collaborate and help organize. I'd also be available for ad design if the winner needed a 'button.' Heck, getting a button designed could be part of the prize!

By Erica Mueller on  2009/11/11 08:18 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

As a side note, I love the crazy avatars your site puts up for people without a custom gravatar!! It makes them look pitiful...

Go grab a free Gravatar, folks!!!

By Erica Mueller on  2009/11/11 08:20 PM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

I love your program,

By swarnaw on  2009/11/12 11:55 AM

Re: Win free advertising for your blog

Bloggering bloggers and (their) blogging blogs. Aka Brilliant Robert Bravery.

By Monty on  2009/11/13 04:44 PM
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