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Blog Directory for Bloggers


Written by:
2010/01/20 09:42 AM RssIcon

Directory Gaining exposure and traffic for your blog is critical to building a following, readership or even revenue. Submitting to blog directories is a start to the endless road of building your blog.

There are many ways to build links to your site or blog. Some would include link baiting, blogroll link swapping, commenting on other blogs, beg, borrow and well we don’t advocate stealing here. But few are as easy to implement and cost effective as submitting to blog directories.

Helping Others.

I believe in helping and promoting others. In so doing you can only help and promote yourself. I have started a few initiatives that lean in this direction. Allowing other bloggers to experience what it means when someone is interested in their blog.

Giving them link love, allowing guest posts, blog collaborations, free ad space. Many are directed to helping other bloggers and also serve to help promote their site.

Now here is a new one. A blog directory.

Directory for Bloggers.

I have started a directory service for bloggers. Here is your chance to list your blog on my directory. It is strictly for bloggers and not for anyone trying to hock their site.

All submissions are moderated. I and other moderators will personally check each submission. Also all blogs listed should be child friendly. In other words if your 9 year old kid can’t view it, then it is not child friendly.

There are a bunch of categories to list under. These will obviously grow as the directory grows.

Your chance to promote other blogs.

Not only is the directory a listing of bloggers, but it also gives you the chance to help promote other blogs. With a rating system and comments you can rate a blog directory listing as well as comment on that listing. The only requirement is that you register on the site if you want to comment. But anyone can read comments left on the directory and anyone can rate any directory listing.

There is also a top rated section where I list the top 10 rated blog listings. This will bring extra exposure to those listings that are voted as top notch by the rest of the community.

I am hoping to build this up beyond just a blogging directory but into a blogging community for bloggers.

Come and join us.

This is not a directory listing in competition with other already well know blog directories. So what makes this different?

Well first it is supplied my me. A passionate blogger who is eager to help his fellow bloggers.

Second, not just everyone can join. It is an exclusive blog listing. A listing of top blogs and bloggers.

Third, it is meant to help promote other bloggers in a community driven way. By commenting and rating other blog entries.

Fourthly, you will be amongst friends and real people. People who care about you and are passionate about blogging.

So why not come and join us. List your blog. Promote other listed blogs. Browse through listed blogs in your niche to find more blogs to read and comment on.

Find the blog directory on my site at

As we grow this directory together it will become a valuable source of information. A  challenge to promote others and a place to promote, gain exposure, and be involved in a community.

So come one what's stopping you. Head on over, upload your blog and get noticed.

Remember you can win a weeks worth of free ad space just for commenting. The best comments during the week will get a weeks free advertising space. Check out: Win free advertising for your blog

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