By Robert Bravery on 2011/04/12 08:25 AM
 If you’ve got no morals or ethics as a blogger I doubt that you will find many followers. Bloggers need to be ethical and have... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/30 08:38 AM
That’s right, I’m getting serious. This is personal. It’s between you and me. Well in fact it’s about our relationship. More to the point it’s about the relationship you as a blogger has with your readers and community. Is it personal?
Of the millions of blogs out there how many do you feel that you have a connection with. Of the bloggers that you follow, how many of them do you connect with? How many of your readers do you connect with?
I’m not talking about connecting on Twitter,... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/29 08:25 AM
I came across an interesting post on one of the blogs I frequent. It posed the question, Do Women Blog better? what separates women from men in blogging.
First I kind of thought, wow that's a bit sexist. Then after reading I got the idea. Men and women have different characters and different natures. So it’s conceivable one could use that to ones advantage. |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/28 08:39 AM
We all know how important your blog is. We all know how much effort you have put into your blog to make it a success. But my question to you is, are you not paying too much attention to your blog?
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/10 08:42 AM
 There is nothing more dissatisfying in the blogosphere than having a blog with no comments. Comments on a blog is almost like a vote of confidence. Comments show that people have an interest in what you have written. Comments show that they have something to add. Comments are proof of engagement. But it is... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/09 08:21 AM
 Whilst reading a good... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/07 08:57 AM
So many blogger are crying out. Help, my blog is not making any money. I expected to make money, not to become rich, but enough to live on. But after months, perhaps years, my blog is still not making enough to live on.
So many bloggers were lured into blogging by the false dream that they could make tons of money from their blog.
But the reality of it is that one makes very little money from ones blog.
I’ve done everything right
As... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/04 08:51 AM
Do I need to mention the most popular social media sites? Probably not, because the likelihood that you have heard about or used Facebook or Twitter is great.
Facebook has over 500 million users, and Twitter has close to 200 million users and YouTube has close to 500 million users. That is a lot of clout.
To put it into perspective:
6.8 Billion people in the world
1.9 Billion use the internet
0.5 Billion use Facebook... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/03 08:25 AM
 Getting one way links pointing to your site is one of the fastest ways to start ranking in the search engines. But getting free back links is often... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/02 08:48 AM
Traffic is so important to blogs. In actual fact traffic is the lifeblood of the blog. Without it, the blog dies. But what is free traffic? Is there such a thing. If there is. how can you and I take advantage of it.
Well it's not just link that you can buy. You can actually buy traffic. That is pay someone directly or indirectly to visit your site. There are a lot of so called traffic generation sites out there. But they do not produce natural organic traffic. The end result is that all you... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/01 08:33 AM
 I was watching the Oscars and just being wowed at some of the achievements made in the film industry. It then occurred to me that we should have an Oscars for the blog industry.
... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/16 08:25 AM
 Trust and respect is such a critical thing in life and relationships that it can easily make or break any relationship. Whether it be in marriage, dating, business or just casual. Without trust and respect, there is no relationship. ... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/11 07:57 AM
 The English language is a very strange one. With 616,500 entries in the Oxford English Dictionary, I’d say that there are a few words you and I do not know.
Many people have only on average about ... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/08 08:14 AM
There are many lists out there that list things to do as a blogger. But few lists on what not to do. Probably because few people like to be told off. People don’t like to be criticized, or told that they are doing wrong. But the truth of the matter is most often the hardest form of criticism is often the best. Often it results in the best response and the best outcome. So here goes, my list of things not to do as a blogger. Do not expect overnight success – Blogging... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/04 08:33 AM
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