10 thing you should not do as a blogger
Feb8Written by:
2011/02/08 08:14 AM 
There are many lists out there that list things to do as a blogger. But few lists on what not to do.
Probably because few people like to be told off. People don’t like to be criticized, or told that they are doing wrong.
But the truth of the matter is most often the hardest form of criticism is often the best. Often it results in the best response and the best outcome.
So here goes, my list of things not to do as a blogger.
- Do not expect overnight success – Blogging takes time. You and your readers have to grow in it. Anyway, what is success? It is different to different people.
- Do not expect to make lots of money – Despite what lots of other blogs out there say, blogging is not a huge and quick money making factory.
- Don’t overload your blog with ads – This really makes your blog look cheap and nasty. In most cases you will lose readers and traffic, nullifying the many ads. Remember less is more.
- Don’t ignore your readers – They are your blog blood. It’s what keeps you alive. Don’t ignore your readers. Reply to their comments, answer their questions, meet their needs.
- Don’t have auto play music – This is a big bug of mine. I just hate it. It’s irritating and unprofessional. If you want to have music, have the decency to display a stop button.
- Don’t scrape content – How would you feel if someone stole your content pretending it to be their own. This is a big no no.
- Don’t sling mud – Tearing down a fellow blogger for what ever reason is just plain childish. Can I leave you with this quote “Love your enemies”
- Don’t ignore your blog – How often do you update your blog? How often do you comment or reply to your readers. Consistency is the key here. Have regular updates. Engage with your audience.
- Don’t waste your time with rubbish content – One thing here to note is that content is key. Many say content is king. It’s more than that, it’s the life of your blog. Bad content, means bad blog, means no traffic.
- Don’t get too serious – Remember to have fun. Don’t allow your blog to rule your life. Don’t spend all your time online. This is more of a point for my own personal benefit as it is yours. Have fun first.
Do you have any other points to share? Please share them in the comments below.
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