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Morals and Ethics of Blogging. Should I or Shouldn't I?


Written by:
2011/04/12 08:25 AM RssIcon

justice scale If you’ve got no morals or ethics as a blogger I doubt that you will find many followers. Bloggers need to be ethical and have much credibility.

The big question is where do you draw the line.

I will relate to you my story then you tell me what you think.

Perhaps you can relate to me your thoughts and stories on a similar issue.

The question is, do you apply your morals and ethics to your blog?

You have the right

Being the owner of my blog I have the right to put what I want on my blog and to leave out anything I choose. Hardly an argument there. But surprising some bloggers don’t see it that way. They will do anything for money or for traffic.

Just the other day I received an email asking for help on a website development project. It was from a women who owned or ran a porn related website. Obviously I said no, many of us would. I wonder if there are some who would jump at the opportunity.

Do you and I have different morals and ethics?

Clearly to many the morals and ethics of that situation are pretty cut and dry. But what if there is a decision to make that to 90% of your followers might not seem to be a big  issue. What do you do then?

As many of you know. I have an open blog directory for bloggers who are able to list their blogs there for free. It’s a place to get back links and perhaps draw some traffic for your blog. It’s not big, but then again it’s still young.

I am also a Christian and therefore to others my moral and ethical standing might seem a bit staunch.

Many would say that your morals and ethics are not my morals and ethics. Is that really true? Should there not be one standard for everybody?

Here’s the thing put yourself in my situation and what would you do.

Your thoughts on Alcohol

Recently I have not authorised certain blogs on my directory because of my standing as a Christian.

The porn thing was easy. Well any of these decisions are easy.

So I had a gentleman that wanted to list his blog with me. His blog was all about alcohol beverages. But of a certain very strong type of  drink. I could not list him because of my strong believe against alcohol, Biblically and from experience,

I come from an alcoholic family.

Your thoughts on religion

Ok you might be saying, I can see how you refused to authenticate that. But what about religion? Would you allow the promotion of a different religion on your blog even if it is not a religious blog?

Same situation, I refused the authentication of a certain blog because it was a religious blog. The religion went against a lot of what I believe.

Ok you say, I’m not religious so I don’t see the issue. The point is what are you passionate about. What do you believe in, and would you allow any alternate belief on your blog?

You see if we cannot stand up for what we believe in how can our readers trust us to stand up for anything at all.

Don’t reject the person

Don’t get the wrong idea here. I’m not rejecting the person. I have friends that like a few drinks now and then. Even though I disagree with them, it is entirely there choice.

Same goes for religion. Your religious beliefs are your choice, even though they might disagree with my beliefs. Who’s right and who is wrong is for another discussion.

My point is that if and when you take a stand on your blog, don’t take it out of the person behind the blog. Have understanding, and use tact.

What morals and ethics do you have for your blog?

So if you were in my shoes, what would you do?

Let me put it this way, what morals and ethics do you apply to your blog? What do you stand for? What do you believe in, and do you allow just anyone to advertise on your blog?

I’m keen to read your thoughts.

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