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Comments, Comments, What Can I Do For More Comments?


Written by:
2011/03/10 08:42 AM RssIcon

There is nothing more dissatisfying in the blogosphere than having a blog with no comments. Comments on a blog is almost like a vote of confidence.

Comments show that people have an interest in what you have written. Comments show that they have something to add. Comments are proof of engagement.

But it is oftentimes very difficult to get people to post a comment. Especially if you have a small and young blog. With few readers and followers.

In most cases you will only get an average of about 1%-2% of your readership commenting on your blog post. So to get 1 comment you probably have to have between 50-100 readers.

That's for each blog post.

Swap Comments

Many times people won’t comment on a blog post that has no comments to begin with. It is almost like they do not want to be the first.

Perhaps there is the belief that if there are no comments then the blog is not worthwhile. A blog with lots of comments seems to draw more comments. Strange. But anyway.

So we need to break the ice as it were. To do this you have to help someone else out.

What I have done, is get together with a couple of my blogging friends and set up an agreement that we will comment on each others posts.

So whenever there is a new blog post I comment on their post and they comment on mine in return.

If you get 4-5 of these comment swapping agreements set up, you already have a good basis to encourage others to comment.

It’s hard work

This sounds great, but don’t get into it or make promises to comment if you can’t do it.

Commenting on other blogs takes time and hard work. Naturally you have to read the blog post. Then make a meaningful helpful comment.

Please DO NOT leave a senseless comment like “ Good Job” or “Well Done” or  “Nice Post

If you have five people commenting on your blog, that’s five extra blog posts to read and to comment on.

But believe me in the end it is worth the effort.

Do you want to swap comments?

So based on this I am offering up a few comment swap positions. Now I can’t take on a lot as I already have a few that I am involved in.

But if you want to swap comments. That is I comment on your blog, and you on mine. Leave a note in the comments below and I will get back to you.

Perhaps you can even swap comments with other readers here at this blog.

Remember you can win a weeks worth of free ad space just for commenting. The best comments during the week will get a weeks free advertising space. Check out: Win free advertising for your blog

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