Use Google Trends / Insights for Search for your SEO Advantage
Jan4Written by:
2011/01/04 09:18 AM 
Google is undoubtedly the top search engine we have today. They have so much data on what and how people search, that is is almost irresponsible if we do not use it.
Analysing your niche using Google Trends, Google Insights for Search and Google Trends for Websites will sure give you that little bit of SEO advantage.
While Google Trends can show you what terms are most popular, Insights for Search is geared towards users such as researchers or advertisers, or even bloggers looking for that killer topic to write about.
One thing we learn about in history is that history teaches us nothing. This should not be the case, especially with blogging. We can use Google Insights for Search to look at the most popular searches over time. Then analyse that. Then write about it.
The great thing about Google trends and Google Insights for Search is that they allow us to analyse search terms and popular queries over time and by specific locations.
We can compare search terms, locations and websites to give us the perfect topic to write about that can attract a reasonable amount of organic search traffic.
Do you know what the top search terms for the last year or the last three months in your niche was? Why not find out then write a blog post about that. Using those particular search terms in your post in a wise and imaginative way.
Example: I did a post on the top search term for 2010, did you know that Facebook is still the top search term for 2010? Have you ever used that to your advantage?
Hot searches, Hot topics
Hot Searches reflects what people are searching for on Google today. Rather than showing the most popular searches overall. Hot Searches highlights searches that experience sudden surges in popularity, and updates that information hourly.
Hot Topics are popular topics mentioned in news, or on Twitter, FriendFeed and other such messaging services.
These two services can influence the way you write or perhaps inspire you to a certain topic.
They are also available via a RSS feed so that you can get up-to-date information.
Read more about Google trends and Google Insights for Search. Then apply this to your daily blogging skills.
I’m sure if applied correctly your SEO advantage will start to show in your organic traffic that you receive.
How have you used Google Trends or Google Insights for Search to your advantage? If not, why not?
Related Reading:
Using Google Trends to direct related traffic to your blog
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