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The Worst Advice on Blogging


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2010/05/11 08:19 AM RssIcon

There is some good advice out there, then there is some really dodgy advice. The difficulty is knowing the difference between the two.

Like all advice you have to weigh up the pro’s and cons, apply that to your situation and then see if the advice fits. But some advice is just plain dodgy.

You can make a lot of money blogging

While this is theoretically true, it is far from the norm. So many people get pulled into blogging with the false belief that it is an easy way to make money.

They see posts about six figure bloggers, loads of free cash and think that it’s a no brainer, a gold mine. Don’t trust anyone who tells you that you can make loads of easy money.

Yes, it is possible to become rich while blogging. But it’s neither easy, nor quick. Out of the millions of bloggers out there only a handful have become rich. Maybe a few more have a sustainable income.  While still more make just enough to cover the blogging expenses like hosting and advertising.

Blogging is hardly a get rich quick scheme.

Just write and they will come

This is a fantasy that most new blogger live by. Thinking that once they have their blog up and running and a few posts are posted that the traffic will race in.

If you've ever been involved in blogging for any length of time you will know that this is not true. Traffic is as a result of many things. Probably most important is Quality Content, followed by good promotion and marketing.

Blogging is easy peasy

Wow, I learned the hard way on this. I though that it would be a walk in the park. Just write a few lines, post them on the net, and then go to the beach for the rest of the day.

Man was I drowning in my own stupidity. Blogging is really hard work. Especially if you want your blog to be a success.

Look, there is research, promotion, interaction with other bloggers. Commenting on other blogs, answering emails, reading other blogs. Writing the actual post is the easy bit. Everything before and after is what takes blood sweat and tears.

Don’t worry about your audience

If you want your blog to crash and burn, then forget about your readers. Don’t pay them any attention. Don’t interact with them Do not consider them when you write your articles.

After all who are you blogging for if not for your readers. Readers make blogs not the blogger.


There is perhaps more bad advice out there, but these are just a few I think are the worst, or perhaps the most deceiving.

Blogging is not easy and neither is it a get rich quick scheme. While you can make money from it, only the select few make a lot of money or enough to live comfortably.

There are ways to make life easier concerning blogging, but you will not get away from hard work. If you want to have a successful blog, you’ll have to work hard at it.

Have you received some dodgy advice on blogging in the past? Care to share that with us so that we do not succumb to those evil traps. Leave a comment below.

Related Reading:

The Best Advice You’ll Ever Get on Blogging

Why do you blog and why did you start blogging?

35 Ways to fail at blogging.

What is blogging all about?

7 Reasons why you should quit blogging

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