35 Ways to fail at blogging.
Dec9Written by:
2009/12/09 05:26 PM 
You decided to start blogging, or perhaps you have been blogging for a while, because everyone has said that it is the easiest thing to do. There are millions of blogs on the internet and thousands started each day and just as many fail and are closed down.
The bad news is that you are more likely to fail at blogging than to succeed. I’m not trying to be all doom and gloom here but rather trying to encourage you to use the negative for something positive.
A motor car is a wonderful thing. But if you do not know it’s dangers you will surely succumb to one of them and risk injury or even death.
Blogging is no different. Here are some things to consider that will cause you to fail as a blogger. Read them. Act on them, and then let me know your thoughts.
Don’t start a blog.
Don’t update your blog regularly.
Write mostly about yourself.
Write a whole lot of rubbish that no one is interested in.
You have more ads on your blog than text.
You haven’t chosen an niche and blog about everything you can think of.
Your posts aren’t original. You have copied and pasted most of your posts from other blogs.
Writing for search engines instead of people.
You have no commitment or dedication to your blog.
You do not market your blog effectively.
You do not proof your posts.
You do not give any “Link Love”.
Your only reason for blogging is to get rich.
No option to comment on your blog.
You do not respond do comments.
You have links to bad neighbourhood blogs.
You lack confidence.
You do not know that there is a difference between a blog and a normal website.
You spend too much time on design and SEO.
You do not moderate your comments.
Your blog and it’s posts is all about trying to sell sell sell.
You let your accountant write your blog posts, or anyone else besides you.
You criticise too many people and other bloggers.
You do not read other blogs.
You do not comment on other blogs.
You have no patience
You have too much clutter on your blog.
You have no plan or goal or schedule
Your blog has broken links.
Your blog does not have an RSS feed.
You do not know what a RSS feed is.
You have posts that come across as boring and not informative.
Your blog theme and colours suck.
Your blog has no or bad navigation.
You do not follow or read my blog. Seriously.
Do you have any other thoughts? Perhaps you have a point that I have not listed. Your welcome to leave us your thoughts, lists and comments in the space below.
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