10 Rules of blog posts and comments.
Feb19Written by:
2010/02/19 08:09 AM 
Here are 10 rules that all bloggers, commentors and readers should understand. Read them and see if any apply to you.
- A line of text can mean 20 things to 20 other people (regardless of what was said).
- Take everything posted with a grain of salt.
- Don't be so quick to judge what somebody posts.
- Think before you hit the reply button.
- Reread your post 5 times before sending.
- If it's not worth reading 5 times, it's not worth sending.
- 90% of the time, what you say is most likely 180 degrees from what others think you mean.
- 90% of the time, what somebody said is most likely 180 degrees from what you think they really meant.
- Good communication involves not only sight, but sound with inflection, hand movements, facial expressions and eye contact, blog posts and comments can only do about 20% of that.
- Most important, stick with the subject of the post, not the personal traits or thinking of the poster.
BTW, got this via an email, so can't take credit. Don't know who the original author is, but thought it very valid.
I did think of adding some more to them, but thought, 10 Rules is probably best and does not need to be added to. Perhaps you can come up with some rules of your own. Why not post them in the comments?
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