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Why do we comment on other blogs?


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2010/01/25 08:02 AM RssIcon

Commenting on other blogs seems to be an integral part of blogging. To me it seems to be a fantastic way to attract traffic. It is also a great way to get yourself known in your niche. But I think most of all it is a perfect way to show your support of your fellow bloggers by adding value to their post.

Many people have different ideas of commenting on other blogs. This week in our Blog Paragraph Collaboration Challenge we talk about commenting on other blogs.

Here are what my friends have to say. Remember to please browse to their websites and comment on their post. They will surely appreciate it.



Jimi Jones

Website: JimiJones.Com


I have always seen commenting as a form of social networking and a means of interacting with the author and others who share in a common interest. The author has put in a considerable amount of time assembling their thoughts and crafting a blog post, so anything you can contribute to the conversation is an acknowledgment that you are engaged and can relate to what they are conveying. This is a time to commend them on their efforts and conduct yourself as if you were visiting someone’s home.

Unfortunately, there are those who have a completely different perception and see the comments section as a billboard for their own gain.


Ilean B. Smith

Website: Ms Ilean Speaks


I did a post related to benefits of commenting just the other day and here are the highlights:

  • Great way to discover blog post ideas
  • Improve blog traffic, especially on commentluv enabled blogs
  • Get your blog noticed within the community
  • Learn techniques to enhance the content of your blog
  • Gain credibility in your niche
  • Connect and develop relationships with other bloggers
  • Develop your writing skills

Getting and giving comments is a crucial to me because I enjoy the interaction. When your readers take the time to comment it gives your blog added personality. My readers often leave helpful comments that add value to the post. For example the other day I did a post on Google Analytics and @TheTechGuia came along and gave a little how-to on filtering out your own IP from the stats. So the importance of comments is not just giving them but in receiving them as well.


Ben Lumley

Website: 6Aliens


As bloggers, we read everywhere that in order to promote and drive traffic to our blogs we need to get out in to the trenches and comment on other blogs. These blogs can be in and outside of our niche, the most important thing is that we're out there talking to people, in those all important trenches. The problem is that we tend to think we should comment on everything we find. If you do that you won't help yourself at all and you'll end up spending all of your time commenting instead of creating amazing content. If you're going to comment on a blog post then make sure you ask yourself the following before you start typing...

  1. Am I interested by this post?
  2. Do I have something valuable to say?
  3. Am I just doing this because I think I should?

If you answer the first 2 with a "yes" then get commenting! If though you're answering the last question "yes" then stop and think about why you're doing this. Don't just do it because you think that you should, you won't provide value if you do. Commenting on a blog post is about adding to the discussion - not making sure that your name is on the page.


Kevin Tea

Website: Web2 and More


Commenting on other peoples’ blogs throws up some very interesting conundrums for me. The first is that while I feel obliged to leave comments on some blogs there are times when the content isn’t really relevant to me or is on something I don’t have an opinion. Is it better to leave something bland and uninteresting or leave nothing and give the impression to the blog owner that I am not interested? 

Second is a question of etiquette. While I appreciate that blog comments are an important and effective way of getting yourself and your blog known, is it better to start posting slowly and without being upfront and maybe controversial or is it better to go in all guns blazing?

Last, A List Blogs. I never leave comments on the A List Blogs. The first reason is by the time I get to read them about 875 people have already left comments so what is the point in leaving another? Second I have this perception of leaving comments on A List Bloggers of “schmoozing”, sucking up to or, if you like, brown nosing the “big boys” and a sort of saying “hey look at me.”  How does everyone else interact with the likes of Chris Brogan and David Risley, if at all?


Bonnie Landau

Website: Simple Web Toolbox


Many people know that commenting on blogs is an excellent way to gain link backs to your site. While this is a great opportunity for you, I strongly believe the number one rule when commenting on a blog is that your comment should add value to the discussion. It’s really not appropriate to be commenting with frivolous “sounds great” or “nice post” comments, which do nothing but gain you a link. This is why I always encourage clients to read blogs they enjoy, so they can comment sincerely, which means their comments will add value to the entire post. Commenting honestly helps you too. When you comment in a way that generates a discussion and expands on the idea of the original post, people will notice your comments. Then they may actually click on that link to your site, which then gains you some more visitors. It’s a win/win for everybody!


So what do you think? Do you comment on other blog? If so why, and if not why not?

Remember you can win a weeks worth of free ad space just for commenting. The best comments during the week will get a weeks free advertising space. Check out: Win free advertising for your blog


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