Do unto others
Feb1Written by:
2010/02/01 07:33 AM 
Life is full of rules and consequences. One of the most challenging things as a father is teaching those rules to your kids. Not just to obey them and live by them, but to understand the consequences and responsibilities.
I’m not just talking about following the law but something that goes way deeper than that which would include laws by it’s very nature. It’s all about how we interact with the world.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Not only does this apply to our lives and how we interact and socialise with people on a day to day basis but it should be applied to our blogs and how we interact socially on the internet.
If you want people to read, comment and interact with your blog, then guess what, you have to do the same.
If you want people to read your blog, become a reader.
What’s a blog without readers? You should really know the answer to this question. Like you, there are many bloggers who seek to get more readers to their blogs. If you show them the courtesy and ready their blogs, guess what. They will return the favour. You need to get out there and seek other blogs to follow those who are in your niche.
If you want comments, become a commenter.
So many bloggers want to increase the comments on their blogs. It shows a sign of respect and acceptance. It is a sign that the article you wrote has meant something to someone. If you expect people to comment on your blog, then you had better start commenting on theirs and other blogs.
If you want your blog promoted, promote others.
Not many people will get to hear about your blog without marketing it. There are many avenues available to us. But by far the best is a personal recommendation by someone else. Word of mouth. If you expect other people to market your blog on the internet, then be prepared to market theirs first.
If you want guest posts, become a guest poster.
Guest posts are a wonderful way to build your community. It exposes new people to your blog, but also exposes you to new people. It can sometimes be difficult to secure guest posts. If you want people to guest post on your blog, be prepared to put in the extra effort and guest post on others.
If you want to build a community, become part of a community.
It is a community that sustains a blog. It is what makes a blog strive and stand out from the rest. Building up that community is nothing short of hard work. How do you expect people to be part of your community when you do not want to be part of theirs. If you want people to be part of your community, get involved in theirs first. Become part of the furniture.
If you want people to be loyal, show loyalty.
There is something to be said about a blog that has lots of loyal readers. People that keep coming back. There are many ways and things you need to do to build a loyal readership. But none more important than you showing loyalty to other bloggers.
Give to others and you will receive.
We expect people to give of their time, to give of their knowledge. We expect people to give of their expertise and skills, we expect to give away great eBooks and advice. Why not start the ball rolling by giving first. Give to others and you will definitely receive back.
I have found that a lot of the so called A-listers have missed this boat in recent times, They might have followed this rule in the past, but now that they have made it, this seems to have fallen by the wayside.
I see a lot of complaints in the blogosphere about A-listers not showing people the same courtesy. Why do you feel in this way?
As a blogger I beg of you not to evolve into a self centered arrogant blogger and person. When you make in into the big time. Do not forget your roots and the common laws of life. Yes they apply here too.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Related Reading:
Promoting other blogs will help promote yours
If you want more traffic for your blog, you have to give more traffic.
Why do we comment on other blogs?
Amassing your blogging army to take over the world.
How to Grow Your Blog’s Readership.
How To Build A Closer Relationship With Your Blog’s Readers.
Your comments make content more valuable
How to promote your blog by networking
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