Who Inspires you?
Feb17Written by:
2010/02/17 08:03 AM 
Face it, we sometimes do not feel like blogging or coding every day. Sometimes we reach that writers block too often. Other times blogging seems to be such a burden, but you carry on regardless.
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Why do you do it? Besides the many reason mentioned on this blog before as to the reason why one should be committed to blogging with patience and long suffering, there has to be another reason.
Perhaps that is in the form of a person or a group of people. Who has encouraged you to strive and carry on. To push through the walls of frustration.
Then there are those who just by their very character, their life and their deeds just inspire you to carry on to be the best blogger you can be.
Why do we need inspiration?
Well the obvious, we can’t do it all yourself. Well, especially me. I need help every now and then.
- Because we lack the experience. Someone has always got more experience than you. Get inspired by those who have the experience, by those who can offer good advice.
- Because we make mistakes. Do I need to explain this one. I’m sure we have all made our fair share of mistakes. Having someone to inspire you to carry on is crucial. Especially if that person has made those same mistakes and can either help you avoid them or challenge you to fight through it.
- Because others have accomplished things that we haven't. It is a good thing to set yourself goals. But often these seem so distant and out of reach. Being inspired by someone who has achieved those very same goals is a priceless possession.
Inspire others.
If you have had the privilege to be inspired by others, then the natural course of action is to inspire others. This is one of the many reasons why I blog. I love to see other peoples reaction. I love reading words like, “This meant so much to me”, and “You made my day”
If your blog does not inspire others, then I feel you are wasting your time. Encourage others as much as you can. Help where you can. post words of encouragement. Surely we all need that.
So, Who inspires you?
Who inspires you? Who encourages you to stick with it? You have thought of giving up many times, but your friends, family and colleagues never let you do that. Who are they?
Then who do you encourage? Have you made a special effort today to inspire and encourage another person? If not, today is your chance to do just that. Don't’ let it slip.
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