Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars.
Feb24Written by:
2010/02/24 08:16 PM 

Reach for the Stars, originally uploaded by xrrr.
That quote really takes me back to my childhood. To where I would wait up at night listening to the radio from 20h00 to 00h00. Listening to the Springbok Radio South African Top 20. The music show hosted by David Gresham.
He always ended the show with that quote, “Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars”. Although I don’t think he can be directly credited with the quote because I believe that Theodore Roosevelt used it, although not the exact words, “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground”
But what does it all mean, and what has it got to do with blogging? Well besides the fact that it could mean many different things to different people, I believe that it has a few significant applications for us as bloggers.
Be firmly planted.
If you want a truly successful blog, make sure that you have a firm foundation. Make sure that you have all the basics in place. I’m not going to go though all the pointers, there are many posts on my blog as well as out there in the blogosphere that deal with this. But here are a few points you might want to consider.
- Research your niche
- Research your ISP
- Choose the best blogging software for your needs
- Have a plan
- Choose a good keyword rich domain name if possible
- Have a good site design with well structured navigation
- Don’t take on too much too early
Be realistic.
So many people get into blogging for the completely wrong reason. Soon to find out that it is not what they expected. Then they just give up because they were not realistic enough.
Don’t think that blogging is a get rich quick scheme which is going to make you a load of money. Make sure you know exactly what you’re in for. Even if your blog is well underway, you still need to be realistic.
Be realistic in:
- How much time and effort you can dedicate to your blog
- How you can monetize your blog
- What your expectations are
Be goal orientated.
Set some goals even though they might seem like they are out of reach and unattainable at the moment. If you are firmly grounded as a blogger, then there is nothing wrong with reaching for the stars.
Without a goal to strive towards and your feet firmly planted you just get blown around with every little breeze that passes you by.
Find your passion, get inspired. Set long term goals as well as short term goals.
Then, don’t get discouraged if you don’t reach them. Keep your arms outstretched towards the heavens with that youthful twinkle in your eye that says, I might just reach that one day.
Be a dreamer.
Famous words these; “I have a dream…”. What is your dream. Nothing wrong with dreaming. One day those dreams might just come true no matter how far fetched they might seem.
What is it that you want to do? Hold on to the specific dreams that you have and then stay focused on them. Reach out and envision yourself touching your dreams as though they have miraculously become a reality.
Become an inspiration to others. Help and guide those around you.
What more can I say but to echo the title here, Keep your feet on the ground and reach for the stars.
Related Reading:
How to become a better blogger?
What is the meaning of blogging?
Why I’m the best blogger in the country.
0 Things I wish I knew and did before I started blogging
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