How to become a better blogger?
Nov2Written by:
2009/11/02 04:28 PM 
What is your purpose for blogging? Why do you blog? What are you trying to achieve? These are all questions every blogger should be asking themselves. Another question you should be asking yourself is, how can I improve?
We all should be improving in all aspects of life? Whether it's our relationships, our health, our sport, or whatever. Remaining stagnant and static will actually bring more harm than not.
To succeed at blogging you have to find ways to improve and become a better blogger.
I have seen this asked time and time again around the blogosphere. How do I become a better blogger. So this post is not only meant for you, but it serves as a reminder to myself. How can I become a better blogger?
Bloggers are communicators, if nothing else, and blogging provides ways to make a difference in this world. You and I have a message to share, experiences to share, stories to tell, or tutorials to give away. Blogging is about social connections. Communicating with your readers.
Not only in your blog posts but also in your comments. Leave a kind and encouraging word. Answer a question. Go the extra mile to sort out a readers problem
What about email? Have you emailed a reader of your blog lately? Perhaps you just need to do that to say hi and thank them for reading your blog. Remember this, your readers are your most valued asset.
Be Enterntaining.
Nobody likes a boring blog. You've hear that 'Content Is King'. But great content is useless if it aint interesting. Entertainment can come in many colours. It does not have to be all jokes and laughter. But the point here is that readers want to be entertained, they want to leave your blog feeling fulfilled.
Be Consistent.
If you are serious about your blog, then you will be consistent in your posting schedule. One of the killer diseases of blogs today is not swine flu, but old mouldy posts.
When a blog does not have fresh new content, then readers and search engines alike will give it a wide berth. Your blog will die from post starvation. Keep regular in your posts. Make sure you always have fresh content on a regular basis.
Be a learner
No blogger is arrogant enough to think they know it all. You and I need to contantly learn new things. We need to follow and read other bloggers in our niche as well as those excellent bloggers outside our niche.
Keep abreast with the latest news. Read and follow along in the forums related to your blog. Try and answer a question that you do not know the answer to, thereby forcing you to do some research and learn something new.
Give something away for free.
One of the most frustrating things about the internet and many blogs, is that there are so many people who just want to sell sell sell. It then is so refreshing to find something for free. Why not give away something for free on your blog. An e-book, a small prize. If you don't have any of these, then give away knowledge. People are hungry for knowledge, why make someone pay for that?
Build up credibility.
Admittedly this is a lot tougher than it looks. But the way to do it is to build up an arsenal of quality posts. Help people solve their problems. Teach those who do not know how. Encourage those who have forgotten.
You want to be a better blogger, then you will need to build up some sort of credibility in your niche, You have to build a name for yourself. No one wants to read the blog of 'Joe Blogs'
Share and share alike. It is better to give than to receive. I'm sure that you have heard this saying many, many times before. To become a better blogger you are going to have to learn how to share. Share your time with other bloggers, share your knowledge, share your comments. Share your posts.
So what do you have to share? Would you share your thoughts on how to become a better blogger? Share your ideas. What helped you to achieve in the blogosphere? Share those with us in the comments below.
blog comments powered by 12 comment(s) so far...
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Solid as always Robert. I think I'd add one. Find your difference. I think every blogger who is serious about wanting to reach the top, needs at some point to find what differentiates her from all the other bloggers in the niche. By Mike CJ on
2009/11/02 05:42 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Your blogging is really becoming very mature (not that you were immature before!) and extremely solid and useful. It is great to read your posts and see you grow.
PS.I hope your good lady isn't hacked off with you, you are supposed to be on holiday! By Kevin Tea on
2009/11/02 05:46 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Good post as usual, Robert All excellent points. I think it's also important to establish one's particular style and voice through blogging. Readers can tell when the language is not flowing naturally, so it's good to write in a conversational style. Many blogs read like instruction manuals even on the most general of subjects.
By Jimi Jones on
2009/11/02 05:55 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
"One of the killer diseases of blogs today is not swine flu, but old mouldy posts." Haha. Good line.
I'm trying to improve my blog bit by bit, I've been going through some writer's block, not because I don't have anything to write about, but because I don't know where to start! I think one thing I need to work on is narrowing down my topics a bit, find a niche instead of trying to everything at once. :) It's hard, though, cause I'm involved in so many different things. By chompermom on
2009/11/02 05:59 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Great article Robert!!!
I must blogging views has changed quite a bit since the start of my blog. By AntonRSA on
2009/11/02 06:28 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Great post, thanks for continuing my blog education. My blog is still a newborn, and it's hard sometimes to be consistent in posting new material when readership is still hit-or-miss. I will be diligent in fighting against moldy posts! By Kim S on
2009/11/02 06:46 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Kim, Nice of you to stop buy. I love you blog and blog Title. 'One eye on the TV', for me it would be 'One eye on the TV, and the other on the remote' Everyone has to start at the beginning. You're never going to get thousands and thousands off the bat. It has to be a building process/ By Robert Bravery on
2009/11/02 06:53 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Thanks for the kind words, and encouragement. If we don't grow, improve or mature, then we remain babes. And babes can do much. Babes, as in todlers, babies, not those in swim suites. Anyway, I must stop rambling. My point is that my growth and maturity is largely due to my blogger friends, like yourself. So thanks. By Robert Bravery on
2009/11/02 06:57 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
@hompermom, Yes it's hard work. All good things in life are never easy. But it is the consitency that seperates the Boys from the men, or in your case, the girls from the women. I know too well about the "starters block". Sitting down, knowing what you want to write about, but not being able to start. A good tip from one of the bloggers I read, can't remember who, said that you must just start writing. Even if it is just rubbish at the start. What will happen is that the creative juices start to flow. You can always edit later. By Robert Bravery on
2009/11/02 07:07 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Very interesting post. I believe the most important thing is to LEARN first. Learn about how to become a good blogger,learn about the subject you want to blog about ,learn about any thing that will improve your blogging or blog. Your willingness to learn will help you perform the other points you mentioned -perfectly. If are humble enough to want to learn -then every other thing will come out smooth. so how do your learn how to become a better blogger? That's another blog post i guess. By mk akan on
2009/11/02 08:40 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Interesting post but i do believe that the most important point is the point made about LEARNING. LEARNING is the most important activity that will make you a better blogger with a great blog. There is no way you can perform the other points well if you don't learn first. You must learn about HOW TO BLOG,learn about the subject you want to blog about ,learn about what makes top blogs rock and learn about how to perform the different points you mentioned. your have to be hungry for information and be ready to use them. learning is very paramount. so how can you learn about doing these things right? i guess that's another blog post. thank you. By mk akan on
2009/11/02 08:54 PM
Re: How to become a better blogger?
Great as always - I answered yes to the post title and learned how to with the content!
Not bad for a guy squatting in Liverpool at the moment!
Thanks Rob
great stuff!
Chris By Chris on
2009/11/02 09:45 PM