What Mother’s Day Can Teach You About Blogging
May9Written by:
2011/05/09 06:17 PM 

Sunday was Mother’s day. Here in South Africa Mother’s day is the second Sunday in may. As I suspect it might be the same in many other parts of the world
History of Mother’s day
Mother’s day is a day set aside specifically to honour mothers all around the world. It is not an official state holiday, but many many people around the world do celebrate it.
The traditional mother’s day that we celebrate is the one that has it’s history with Anna Jarvis. Anna Jarvis founded five Mothers' Day Work Clubs to improve sanitary and health conditions. In 1907, two years after Ann Jarvis' death, her daughter Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother and began a campaign to make "Mother's Day" a recognized holiday in the US.
Anna was successful in 1914. But by 1920. Mother’s Day had already been commercialised. As it is today
Honouring others
The purpose of mother's day is to honour mothers for all that they do and sacrifice for the other 364 days of the year.
Mothers around the world do so much with so little and asking so little if nothing in return.
Contrary to what it was intended for, many have sought to make as much money out of mother’s day as they can. Today Mother’s day is highly commercialised.
Mother’s day can teach us much about blogging.
- Doing something for others. Doing something for others without expecting much in return. I know that many use blogging as their daily source of income. But often kindness and free gifts are worth more than their weight in gold. Try giving away something for nothing just to help others for a change.
- Honouring others. Too many times people complain, mock, disrespect, and break down the characters of others. When last have you honoured a blogger that has helped you in your blogging quest. I’m not just talking about the famous bloggers, but about any blogger. Whether they are a beginner or not.
- Doing something special. Mother’s day is about doing something special. Why not do something special with your blog. It could take the form of anything, a free advert, a guest post, a review of another blog. Let your imagination go wild. The point is make it special and different.
About blogging
Every year we prepare a three course meal in our house. This year we did a prawn and avocado cocktail for starters. A roast lamb rack with roast vegetables for main. A strawberry fridge tart for desert.
Sounds like an introduction, main body and conclusion of a blog post doesn’t it.
Contracting your blog post is very important.
- Appetising introduction. Have an appetising introduction. It must be unique and special. It must cause the reader to want more.
- Mouth watering main body. The main body of your blog must be so interesting that your reader’s are engrossed in it. It must not be too much, nor must it be too little. The art is to make it just right.
- Delicate dessert. The desert rounds it all off. It is the cherry on the top. Concluding your blog and rounding it off with something that will cause the reader to engage. ‘I want more’ a ‘thank you’, etc.
So happy mother’s day to all mothers out there. The lesson to learn here is not to be selfish. Do something special for someone else for a change. It’s not all about you. It’s not all about the money either.
Make your blog post interesting, just like a gourmet three course meal. When done correctly, you can expect reader engagement.
How about you? What have you done for others through your blog? Let’s read your story in the comments below.
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