5 SEO Tactics That Will Not Work
Apr14Written by:
2011/04/14 08:42 AM 
SEO, the dark art of Web design and development. Yet is should not be. So many people get confused with SEO. They think that it is so hard. They also spend a huge amount of time on things that really do not matter anymore
Some of these tactics might have been valid 20 years ago, but not anymore.
1. Meta Keywords
Meta Keywords used to be big in the day. But today they play a very insignificant role, if any, in the whole SEO universe. Why is this? Well because most crawler based search engines ignore this.
Remember if you don’t use the keyword or phrase “SEO Tactics” anywhere in the actual content of the page, adding it to the meta keywords will not magically get you indexed by the search engines.
2. Keyword stuffed content
While stuffing keywords into your content was always a dodgy practice, it is even more stupid to do that now.
In fact keyword stuffing might even get you banned. At the least you will lose ranking.
How many keywords should I have on a page then? Well generally I suggest between 3%-7% keyword density. Anymore than that probably won’t help your cause.
3. Republishing content
It’s not going to improve your SEO ranking if you try and republish someone else's content. Other than that it is ethically, morally wrong and probably illegal, it serves no purpose to search engines.
Rather than republishing, why not discus the article. Discus the good points and the bad point.
Always strive to publish original content.
4. Targeting the same keywords on every page
Targeting multiple pages with the same keyword is not going to improve your SEO rankings or win you brownie points with Google.
The amount of keywords and synonyms that any particular topic has is astronomical.
Use that to your advantage. Target different words on different pages. That way you have a larger keyword search pool.
Remember not everyone will search your particular niche using the same keywords and phrases all the time.
5. Submitting to search engines
This used to be the done thing back in the day. But today, search engines use a different method to index your site. It is called “Crawlers”.
Search engines have little programs that go out and crawl all over the internet. Searching for sites and new webs pages. They then crawl through the content of those pages and index relevant keywords.
Submitting site maps to search engines only proves to make them aware that your page or site exists. It does not automatically get your site indexed.
You need to have the relevant linking and navigation throughout your site so that the crawlers can find your pages through these links, crawl them and index your site.
Hope this has helped you. If you have any other points to add, please do so in our comments below.
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