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Think On These Things – Thoughts that will enrich your life, blog and your readers


Written by:
2011/01/10 08:31 AM RssIcon

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Wow, what profound and enriching words.  Many would pay great money to listen to life coaches and motivational speakers speak these exact words.

The things is, I thought why not apply these truths to our blogs as well. After all we can motivate and enrich others as well. Using our blogs to teach, enrich, empower, and motivate others.

So lets take a brief look at these inspirational life truths and use them in our blogs.

Whatsoever things are true

Truth is so hard to come by. So few people in the world today will stand up for truth. Be sure you are one that through your blog teaches and writes about things that are true. Don’t be tempted to go towards lies and false words just to get traffic.

Whatsoever things are honest

How many truly honest people do you know? How many dishonest people do you know? Honesty is such a rare virtue. To be honest and truthful in your blog is an exceptional trait. Don’t be dishonest, no matter how slight. Keep to the facts.

Do you write about things that are noble and of serious purpose? Or do you dwell on the frivolous and trivial?

Whatsoever things are just

Corruption is rife here in South Africa. To find a just man is like gold. Be just in your writings. Don’t lower your standards, even though bloggers around you will do anything to lie, scam and swindle people out of their money.

Whatsoever things are pure

Where can one find purity? Things that are not corrupted or tainted. It is difficult. No matter what your chosen niche or blog topic, keep it pure.

Whatsoever things are lovely

There are too many dark and horrible things in this world. We do not need to be reminded of them. Encouraging things that are lovely, things that are honest and pure. Have your blog be an attraction for good, beautiful lovely things. If it’s not lovely, if it doesn’t make you lovely, don’t say it, don’t think it, don’t do it, don’t dwell on it, don’t write about it, and don’t repeat it!

Whatsoever things are of good report.

We are so used to reading and listening to rubbish, bad news and slander that it becomes a part of our lives. How many bloggers out there write trash about other people, about other bloggers.

Is it worthy of study and contemplation? Or is it cheap and nasty? Focus on the things that are positive not negative, constructive not destructive, things that build up not the things that tear down.

Virtue and praise

Altogether do you write about things that are meaningful? Do you write about things that are praiseworthy? Don't seek to tear down people or institutions.

Do you write positively, do you encourage and help others?

Analyse what you are sending out to your readers. In Geek programming terms, we have a saying, GIGOT, Which means, Garbage In Garbage out.

Don’t attract garbage to your blog by putting garbage into your blog.

If you want to influence friends, family and your readers, then adopt these eight excellent truths in your life and blog.

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