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Don't Compare Your Blog to Darren Rowse’s Problogger


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2010/12/22 08:34 AM RssIcon

scales So many people have blogs today, mainly because of the great interest spurred on by A-list bloggers like Darren Rowse, Brian Clarke, Chris Garret and company.

We see these guys and we stand back in awe, with a little bit of jealousy. We want what they have. The traffic, the readers and of course the money.

New bloggers have possibly three main goals when they start blogging, Loads of traffic, lots of readers and tons of money. These goals are all very nice but in the beginning are very unrealistic.

How often have you read an A-list bloggers blog to see that they advertise how many visitors they have, how much traffic they see in a month, how much money one can make blogging.

These numbers are literally in the 1000’s and 10 000’s. We look at that and wish we could have a small percentage of that.

Well I’m here to tell you. STOP. Don’t compare yourself to the likes of Darren Rowse or Brian Clark, or Chris Garret. You will just come away depressed, dejected and disillusioned.

But rather look at these guys and see what you can learn from them.

Successful blogging takes time

Look, there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Same applies to blogging. Too many new bloggers are caught by the successful trap and believe that blogging is a way to get rich quick and easy.

What you fail to see is that most A-list bloggers have been doing this for a long time. Some for a very long time. There are even those who have been blogging before blogging was even a word, or even before the internet was so popular.

Listen, successful blogging takes time. It might take 3 years or even five before you and I might reach that A-list status.

Successful Blogging takes dedication

Do you think that Darren Rowse or Brian Clarke gave up after three months? Do you think that they blogged sporadically whenever they got the notion to blog.

No, they dedicated themselves to making a success out of it. Even when they had no readers and no visitors, they continued to write good quality articles. Every day, every week, every year.

If there is one thing I learned from A list Bloggers is that you and I need stick-ability. We need to keep at it. Even when the going gets tough. What is it that they say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”.

Successful blogging means fun blogging

If you are not enjoying what you are doing, then give it up. No one makes a success out of a burden. Learn to enjoy yourself. Learn to have fun.

What I have learned over the last few years, is that if I’m not having fun, then neither are my readers. First I was so engrossed by making money and getting tons of traffic that my blog soon became a “What can I get from you’ blog, rather than a “How may I help you” blog.

If you don’t enjoy your own blog, how on earth will those who visit and read your blog enjoy it? Your character, your feelings and your attitude get translated into your writings, and therefore people can read into that.

Successful blogging means being unique

No one wants a “Copy Blogger”. Sorry for the pun Brian. But seriously, to be successful you need to be different. Comparing yourself to an A-list blogger with the idea of being like them is a recipe for failure.

Don’t try to be like them, be unique. Be your own blogger.

Why would people want to read what you and I say, when they have already read it at Darren’s blog. No, when they come to your blog, they want to find something new and fresh. Something different.

Yes, the ideas and concepts and perhaps the topics are the same. But its how you present it. How you pour yourself into it


So, I hope you got the point. I’m not saying that we cannot learn from A-list bloggers. In fact the whole point is that we can. When we read an A-list blog, don’t try to be like them. Rather learn from them and be different.

Darren Rowse is an excellent source of information. Read his blog and learn.

Believe in what you are doing and others will believe as well. This is what I have done. I believe that I and my blog are just as good and just as important as any A-list blogger.

Watch out blogosphere here I come!

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