Is Facebook Mail the GMail Killer – I Don’t Think So
Nov23Written by:
2010/11/23 08:35 AM 
OK so the big hype this past week was all about the new Facebook mail. So many blog posts have been written about Facebook being the big Gmail killer. Well, at least in the near future I don’t think this will happen.
Business vs consumer
At the moment there is a clear distinction between Gmail, Google apps users and Facebook users. Facebook still has a greater percentage of consumer based users. Very few businesses and corporate have adopted Facebook into their enterprise.
They see it as an online time waster. With a great percentage of companies banning the use of Facebook during working hours, many who would want to use the Facebook mail would not be able to.
What does that mean. Well it means that at least for 8 hours a day, during normal work hours, people will not be able to access Facebook. Which means they will not be able to access their Facebook email.
On the other hand, Gmail has been used in business for some time. Access to Gmail has been for the most part, been allowed and users have had freedom to access.
This means that users will not easily drop their trusted and accessible Gmail and run to Facebook mail.
For the most part many users are using Gmail as well as all the other apps and integration services that Google has on offer.
Yes Facebook has a big advantage over Google in the online chat and Social media perspective. But if you understand that Facebook is primarily consumer based, then you will understand that the users of Google Apps are primarily using it for business or business related projects.
Until Facebook has other offerings on business applications, Gmail and Google have nothing to worry about.
Consumers live in Facebook, not on Google.
So what are your thoughts? Do you honestly think Gmail and Google should be worried? If you are Gmail users, are you going to close your Gmail account and rush over to Facebook mail?
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