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How Has Blogging Changed Your Life


Written by:
2010/11/11 08:46 AM RssIcon

Why did you start your blog? Why do you blog? How has blogging influenced your life and day to day living?

Now this is not a “I saw the light”, “Epiphany” type of post. It’s a real life experience of how a blog has improved my life.

So Blogging changed my life in three main areas.

  1. Dyslexia
  2. Friendships
  3. Knowledge


What on earth was I thinking. You see I have dyslexia. Nearly failed English at school I battle to read, in fact I read very slowly. Yes there are other avenues that also help my reading, but the addition of the blog has enforced many things that I have learned.

I read my Bible, I read computer books, I read magazines. But it’s the actual blogging, writing of articles that has forced me to take what I have learned and put that into practice.

I can’t spell, I can’t read well, and I certainly can’t write that well. Even though I have great thoughts and ideas in my head, I find it difficult to put onto paper.

By reading other blogs, and writing many posts I can certainly see an improvement in my reading and writing.


Blogging has a lot to do about community. Building up contacts and making online friendships is an important aspect of blogging.

Over the last few years, I have met, talked to and connected with a few amazing people. People I have not met face to face, but have developed a friendship online. Sounds weird I know. But it has worked.

Without them, my blog would be meaningless. I am privileged to know these people.


OK so contrary to popular believe, I do not know everything. I know some, but cannot compete with some of the gurus out there.

Blogging requires a great deal of research. In fact, research is the greater part of my blogging experience.

By researching various topics for my blog I have learned and gained a great deal of knowledge. This knowledge I have then had the honour to share it with you and others who read and frequent this blog.

You won’t believe how much you learn when you have to teach. You won’t believe how much you don’t know when you have to teach. Teaching is probably one of the greatest ways of learning.

How has blogging changed your life

How has blogging helped you? What have you learned? How have you been able to help others?

I would be keen, and so would all the other readers I’m sure if you would share your experiences.

Each person has been touched differently by their own blog as well as by other blogs and bloggers. Share your story with us.

Why not pay tribute to those who have had some influence in your life. Those who have mentored you, those who have guided you.

I don’t mind you listing your blog and those who have influenced you in the comments below. Just be reminded that I will have to moderate the link. I’m sure you understand.

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