How To Guest Post The Correct Way
Nov8Written by:
2010/11/08 08:32 AM 
Guest posts are a very effective way to expand your network and readership. It is also a very effective way to get back links and extra traffic.
Most people use guest posts for this very reason. Nothing wrong with that. But I would like to suggest a more important reason for guest posts. Which is that your guest post is primarily aimed at helping the blogger and blog that you are guest posting for.
All these other things, like traffic, back links, readers are but additional benefits that you receive if and when you guest post correctly.
Read the blog
Oh it is so important that you read the blog for which you are going to guest post for. You need to get a feeling of the type of subjects that the readers like. The niche that the blog has positioned itself in.
Understand the writing style. Understand the format that the blogger likes. Find out what types of posts are popular.
When you are finished you should know this blog as though it were your own.
Get involved first
Don’t try and bombard your way in. Get involved in the blog first. By reading it. By commenting on various posts. By answering other commenter’s questions.
Get involved by selflessly promoting the blog and the blogger within your own network. Whether that be on your own blog, or with your social network like Facebook or Twitter.
Original content
First off, don’t even think of submitting a duplicate article that you have already written, unless the blogger asks for it.
By carefully reading the blog, as suggested before, you will perhaps get a bit of an idea as to the articles already written. Now I know you won’t be able to cover all the original articles, especially if the blog has been around for a while. But try and get a feel as to what has been written before.
Do your research. Check out the recent posts list. Check out the most popular posts. Browse through the archive lists.
Don’t try and use the same guest post somewhere else, especially if the guest post does well.
Mind your manners
Remember your mother drumming into your head how you should behave when you visit other people. The same applies here. Remember your manners.
Don’t argue, don’t cause friction. Don’t write controversial articles. Don’t criticise the blog, the blogger or any other blogger.
Rather build up and praise the blog and blogger. Actively agree and promote the blog.
Add Value
The main reason why you are writing this guest post is to add value to the blog. Not to primarily gain the benefits of traffic, extra readers etc. All that will come later as an added benefit.
Add genuine value to the blog you are writing on and you’ll win yourself new fans with readers and the blogger and could just find yourself with a regular guest blogging spot.
Your guest post should put the blog in the same position or even a better position than before your guest post.
Don’t promote your self
I know that there is a hidden agenda to all or most guest posts. That is getting traffic, expanding your network, gaining back links. But don’t be template to blatantly advertise or promote your blog. It’s not in good taste. Remember your main reason to do the guest post is to add value to their blog, not yours.
Follow up
Once you have guest posted, don’t leave it there. Follow up on the comments. Try to respond to as many of the comments as needed. Be overly thankful and grateful.
Another very important aspect is to visit the blogs and websites of each commenter. Get involved in their blogs, read some of their articles and posts and make comments.
You won’t believe how important this aspect is. This is probably the best way to get traffic and increase your readership.
Happy guest blogging
Hopefully you will take these tips and apply them to your next guest post. If you feel that you can apply these tips and create a good guest post for me and for this blog. Just let me know, I will be glad to accept.
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