5 Of The Worst Web Sites On The Internet
Oct13Written by:
2010/10/13 08:53 AM 
I did a post on why I hate your blog or website. In it I expressed some of the points that might drive people away.
So this post I thought it might be prudent to have a look at exactly what some of those websites might look like
Here are some of the worst websites that if you visit you might not be the same physically or mentally.
Disclaimer: I cannot be held responsible for any damage done while viewing these websites. Physically, emotionally or mentally.
5. Lings Cars

4. Arngren

3. Franz

2.Web 4 all

1. Dokimos

For more really horrible websites go to WebsitesThatSuck, Here you will see some real shockers. It's worth the look, for no other reason but to see how not to design websites.
What are some of your worst websites?
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