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How far would you go to keep your promise?


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2010/09/03 09:44 AM RssIcon


PromiseHow far would you go to keep your promise? Does integrity matter at all to you? Are you concerned about good quality customer service?

This week I’ve been editing some video clips for a client who has a show over the  weekend. I had given her a quote, estimating that the job would take me about 3 hours.

I had promised her that I would have the DVD ready before the show on Friday. But what I had not realised was that Murphy stays at my house. You know, if anything can go wrong it will.

Boy, did they go wrong. My Adobe premier was hanging all the time. I kept making mistakes. I had sound synchronisation problems. If it could go wrong, it did.

I was getting to the stage where I almost believed that my computer had it in for me. Listen at 03:30 in the morning you too might just believe anything.

I planned to have the DVD ready by Thursday night.

Thursday night came, and I was no where near being finished. I wasted tons of blank DVD disks. Re-did the video over and over again. Changed clips around, edited and re-edited, but could not get this video working.

The strange thing was that the draft that I had done earlier in the week worked like a charm.

I eventually stayed up all night Thursday and finally got the DVD out Friday morning (today).

Should I have given up? Should I have told the client that I could not meet the deadline? Should I have charged her extra?

I could not. I had made a promise, and was going to do everything in my power to keep that promise.

That’s just me. But then again there are so many people in this world who do not care about the promises they make. They do not care about integrity, nor do they care about their clients. Well only as far as the clients cheque book will stretch.

Yes I understand that there is a line where it is just not worth it any more. Where it just does not pay. There is a point where you just have to do business. But for me a promise is worth more than gold.

We are surrounded by a society that cares nothing about upholding your word. Look at our politicians, our lawyers. Look at the high divorce rate, where "I do & till death do us part" means nothing any more. Lying, cheating, defrauding becomes the norm

As a blogger do you keep your promises? Do you care about your readers? Are you worried when you miss a posting schedule? Do you have the integrity to make sure your article is accurate and does not attack anyones character?

Do you care about what you write? Do you care whether it is of good quality and of good substance?

As a blogger you carry a huge amount of influence. Use it wisely. Keep your promises. Uphold your integrity.

Remember the client/customer/reader is king.

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