Embedded Tweets
May5Written by:
2010/05/05 08:13 AM 

Why did YouTube become so popular? It was not because it displayed video’s on the web, that was already available. It was not because users could upload their own videos to the web, that was also available. It was because videos were able to be embedded into other websites.
Embedding videos gave those videos the opportunity to be viewed outside of the YouTube website. This is probably the reason why many YouTube videos go viral.
Twitter has announced that they intend to give their users the same capability. Embedded Tweets.
The main idea is cantered around giving credit around quoted tweets. Basically the idea is that when someone copies and pastes a tweet from Twitter, it can be altered. Perhaps changing the meaning of the original Tweets completely.
You might read a blog and say to yourself, that sounds like something I Tweeted but it’s not quite accurate. With an embedded Tweet, not only do you get the actual tweet but also a hyperlink to the Twitters Profile. Giving you the ability to follow that person.
Create a viral Tweet and all of a sudden you could have your followers increase by thousands. Check out Twitters example.
What do you think? Would you find use for embedded tweets. Do you think you might use it or do you think it’s a waste of time?
Image via CrunchBase
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