Why I’m the best blogger …
May4Written by:
2010/05/04 07:57 AM 
This week I set a really tough Paragraph Collaboration Challenge. The Topic “Why I’m the best blogger …”. I did not want people to be arrogant, but wanted them to see themselves as good bloggers worthy to be noticed.
We see so many things said about the top A-listers. We then also tend to measure ourselves up against them, finding that we seem to fall short of our own expectations. Especially when compared to the super bloggers.
This was an opportunity for our contributors to express why they think they are good at blogging and a place to show that off. An opportunity for you as readers to see new bloggers and appreciate their work.
Here are our five contributors to “Why I’m the best blogger …”, enjoy.
Jennifer Jinright
Website: Gurls Asylum
I am the best blogger…well, I am not THE best blogger but I am a good one. What I am one of the best at is engaging with those who read what I write, and that makes me ONE of the best bloggers. Nothing irks me more as a reader than to comment on a blog and not get a response…ever. The only thing that will make it a less irksome thing is when I go back to see that the author at least engaged with other commenters. Anyone who has ever commented on my blog or replied to one of my comments on another blog can tell you that I will enter into a dialog with them as long as there is a point I want to make. If you comment on my blog, you can bet you will at least get a thank you. It’s this small touch that takes a good blogger into awesome blogger status in my eyes, and that is the one reason I will always take the time to reply to blog comments. I want my readers to see me as AWESOME! :
Kevin Tea
Website: Web2 and More
I sat down at the computer ready to write a fairly glib piece as an attempt at humour because I find it quite difficult to talk myself up and "Why I am the best blogger ..." is the sort of topic to make my toes curl. Trumpet blowing I can't do but flippant and self-deprecation comes pretty easily but for some reason the old sense of humour stalled.
I started thinking about my blogging and realised all the things I was not doing properly. For example, I spend too little time visiting other sites and leaving comments. I don't write hardly any guests blogs for other people. Time limitations mean I research and write and don't do any of the other important stuff, the sort of electronic pressing the flesh and networking that is vital for blog growth. So, far from being the best blogger I am probably the world's worst blogger, but maybe I am the best because I realise my limitations and can start working on rectifying these faults.
Shana Kay
Website: ShanaKay
Why I am the best blogger, is because I blog for me and share with you. I am (harshly) honest at times, but sometimes to get through a challenge, one nearly needs to see it in black and white and take the emotion out in order to make a clear decision. But most importantly, my blog aims to be positive and uplifting. Everyone rants these days (including me at times) and every now and then it helps when I look back at a post and laugh at myself. That's just my opinion, check out www.shanakay.com for yourself and decide ツ.
Website: Good Guides
I am the best blogger because I strive (yes strive) to deliver great, amazing content on my website. I do not want visitors or readers to think that my blog is crap, no I want them to be like "Wow this is a great site". I also try my best to put my readers first. There in my opinion the lifeline, the blood of a website so without them I would be alone. If they ask I answer, if they request something I see what I can do, etc. There are countless more reasons but those are, I think, why I think I am the best blogger.
Mohkim Khan
Website: Startupmeme
It will be quite boastful of me to call myself best, but I would say it nonetheless. There are quite a lot of reasons for that and the most important is that I have been evolving ever since I started blogging back in May 2008. To be very honest i was an absolute anti-social blogger who just wrote posts as if I was the only one out there but I learned over time and learned fairly quickly that its more about sharing. The more you share, link, talk and create noise about anything close to blogging the better are your chances to surface in the Blogosphere.
So would you call yourself the best blogger. Perhaps the best in your niche, perhaps in your country, perhaps in your town or city. The point is that if you think highly of yourself, if you have self confidence. Others will see you in the same way.
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1 comment(s) so far...
Re: Why I’m the best blogger …
So would you call yourself the best blogger. Perhaps the best in your niche, perhaps in your country, perhaps in your town or city. The point is that if you think highly of yourself, if you have self confidence. Others will see you in the same way.
By star on
2010/05/04 08:18 AM