New years resolution for bloggers
Dec31Written by:
2009/12/31 02:32 PM 

New years resolutions. Turning over a new leaf. Popular activities during the change of a new year, at the end of December and beginning of January. But statistics show that only a very small percentage of people actually keep their new years resolutions. Will you be one of them this year?
How about making and sticking to some new years resolutions for your blog. I’ve listed a few, seven to be exact, that you might consider. The number seven is often regarded as the perfect number, so here are my seven new years resolutions for you.
1. Lose Weight
Losing weight is a very popular New Years resolution. Why not apply that to your blog. Get rid of the clutter and extra baggage that your blog does not need. Dedicate some time to optimise your site. Clean it up. Create some more white space. Remember less is more in most cases.
2. Keep Fit
Another popular one. How many couch potatoes swear by the hair of their chinny-chin-chin that they will exercise more to get fit. Question you need to ask is how fit is your blog. Is your blog up to scratch? Can it be improved. Use this year to be more consistent with your blog. Spend time in making it top notch. Be more consistent throughout the next year.
3. Spend more time with your readers.
Many take this time of the year to make a promise to spend more time with their family. A very good and wise thing to do. Never let blogging or anything else come between you and your family.
Question though, who is your blogging family. Feeling out of touch with your readers? This may be a sign that you’re not communicating and interacting effectively with them. Spend some more time in comments and in the discussions surrounding your niche, both on your blog, on other blogs, and around the web in general. You’ll feel better connected to your users, understand their needs and wants a bit more, and be able to cater more effectively.
4. Learn something new
At the very least in the new year, put aside some more time for learning new skills! Start reading more blogs in the coming years. Dedicate some time to reading at least three new blogs a day.
As surprising as it might seem, you do not know everything. There are those who might know something that you don’t. Reading their blogs is a great way to learn what they know.
5. Use social media more effectively.
A common New Years resolution is to get in touch with lost friends and family. Become more social and interactive with friends. Helping out more and supporting friends as best as you can.
Blogging is no different. Why not become more sociable this new year. Use social media like Twitter, Blogengage, Facebook, etc, more effectively this year. Build relationships around you. You won’t believe the difference it makes.
6. Promote someone else.
There are so many self centred people in this world. Blogging is no different. If you want to build a community and build your credibility as well as generate awesome traffic, then start by promoting another blogger or two or a few.
So many people will dedicate the new year to help someone in need. Is there a blogger that you know of that is in need. In need of traffic, in need of friends, in need of some good articles, in need of recognition. Why not take time to promote a new blog once a week or once a month during the next year.
7. Aim to make a difference.
Have you ever asked yourself the question, why am I blogging? If it is for a self pleasing and self gratifying reason, then you have missed the boat and your blog will surely fail.
So many bloggers get into blogging with the goal of making quick and easy money. Nothing wrong with making money, but if that is the primary goal of your blog then it’s just one big sales scam.
Let next year be the year where you make a difference in someone's life. Improving their skill and knowledge, helping them to think better of themselves, guiding them to be a better blogger. How will you make a difference next year.
2010 is going to be one humongous ride. A new decade, new year, and new ideas. Become the blogger you always knew you could be.
What are your New Years resolutions? Feel brave enough to list them in the comments below.
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Related Reading:
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