By Robert Bravery on 2011/04/05 08:50 AM
 Many new Twitter users struggle to grow their twitter following in the beginning. Unless you’re famous or some kind of celebrity, getting new useful followers can be hard.
When you look at some people on Twitter they have 20 000, 50 000, some have 100’s of thousands of twitter followers. How do they do that? ... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/03/04 08:51 AM
Do I need to mention the most popular social media sites? Probably not, because the likelihood that you have heard about or used Facebook or Twitter is great.
Facebook has over 500 million users, and Twitter has close to 200 million users and YouTube has close to 500 million users. That is a lot of clout.
To put it into perspective:
6.8 Billion people in the world
1.9 Billion use the internet
0.5 Billion use Facebook... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/23 08:55 AM
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By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/22 08:17 AM
How does Twitter stack up against Facebook? Digital Surgeons have put together an Inorganic comparing Twitter and Facebook. While the data is a bit old, you know how statistics are, we can still draw some conclusions. The first thing you notice overall is that Twitter and Facebook are very similar in many respects. But there are also some very crucial differences which can come in handy to marketers. Among the biggest... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/18 07:34 AM
Twitter is a fantastic tool. Problem is you can only use 140 characters. Hardly enough for an essay. Nevertheless people are able to get their conversation across.
Even "texting" or "SMSing" has a limit of 140 characters. So many teenagers are physically attached to their mobile phones 24/7.
To get one point across that might contain more than 140 characters, one has to carefully select ones words, and at times carefully shorten or abbreviate some words.
However, parents and teachers are worried that this will lower the spelling capability and English skills of many teenagers. ... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/17 08:06 AM
 Twitter is a growing social media phenomenon. Many people are using... |
By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/10 07:12 AM
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By Robert Bravery on 2011/02/03 09:41 AM
How much is too much? How much Facebook, how much Twitter? Facebook and Twitter have given to many people the voice they once never had. But how much responsibility do you take while using these social media sites. Do you use Facebook and Twitter for the right reason? Studies suggest that people with too much technology behave poorly. Sometimes a darker side of them emerges that they are unaware of or have no control over. Don’t get me wrong Social media sites like Twitter and... |