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Does Your Blog Tell a Story?


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2010/01/21 09:35 AM RssIcon

StoryTelling Once upon a time in a land far, far away lived a beautiful young girl named Bella Mia. She had a nice comfortable and playful existence until she was kidnapped by the feared and ugly Ogre. The only reason he had captured her was to eat her.

He did not eat her right away. In fact the gruesome Ogre threw Bella into the deepest hole of his cave. Intending to store her up as food for later consumption.

Nobody in the village would dare to rescue Bella for fear of being captured and eaten alive, or even perhaps torn apart, limb from limb. A frightening thought. It would be safer for the village folk to just forget about Bella and leave the frightening Ogre alone.

But one brave young man, not very well known in the town, was very upset about this whole situation. You see he quite liked Bella. It made his heart ache so much that he could not sleep. So in the middle of the night he got up and decided that he was going to take action.

Being known as drosmīgs programmētājs, which means….

Everyone Loves a story.

Everyone loves to hear a story. That’s why we watch TV, or DVD’s or go to the theatre or the movies or read books. We love story telling.

Story telling is an ancient art. Before all this modern technology, people in villages would gather around to listen to fantastic and gripping stories.

Since the beginning of time, children and adults alike have always asked; “Tell me a story”.

What is Story Telling.

Wikipedia defines storytelling as “Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, images, and sounds often by improvisation or embellishment.”

In today's world of interconnectivity via the internet and the phenomenon of blogging, a blog is the medium used for story telling. Literally your blog is telling a story. You are the story teller. What kind of story are you telling.

Story telling is a  person-to-person oral and physical presentation of a story to an audience. "Telling" involves direct contact between teller and listener. What better description of a blog is there?

Story telling is Interactive -  No point in talking to a wall. Your audience needs to interact with you and the story. As they create images in their minds and build up emotions they begin to interact with the story as well as the story teller.

Do you and your blog interact with your readers. Do you cause them to create images in their minds and build up their emotions?

Story telling is personal – Each listener will interact personally in a different way to the same story. They will sympathise or empathise with the characters. They will relate to them. They will learn. But each will be different.

Do your readers relate to your blog and the story it is telling? Do they learn from it? will it change peoples lives and make them different.

Story Telling is co-creative – When telling a story the listeners create their own story in their heads. They might add to it or subtract from it. They will create images. They will interact with the story on some level. A bad story will cause the audience to lose attention and become bored.

Does your blog create users to interact with it. Whether it is on a mental level or a physical level such as commenting, your blog needs to cause people to interact. If they are not, you need to ask yourself what story and what type of story are you telling. Are your readers bored, have you lost their attention?

Story telling is about content -  Without good quality content a story is just white noise. A story teller then becomes a babbling idiot. Good story telling has gripping, compelling, challenging content.

Does your blog have quality content? Content is King. It is what keeps audiences and readers coming back. It’s what keeps them reading on and on.


Storytelling is a lost art form. Perhaps blogging is a way to revive that and/or replace it. Perhaps story telling is the hidden secret of blogging. Storytelling has been the basis of human entertainment, learning and knowledge since the beginning of articulate speech. It is part and parcel of our lives.

What story is your blog telling?

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