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12 days of Christmas my True Blog said to me


Written by:
2009/12/22 09:48 AM RssIcon

It’s Christmas time, songs of cheer and joy are in the air. Along with carols there is the traditional Boney-M CD’s playing. Of course somewhere someone has to sing the traditional 12 days of Christmas.


What would your blog sing to you this Christmas.

On the 1st day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • I’m in need of a make over please.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • Too many adverts here
  • And I’m still in need of that make over please

On the 3rd day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • No more than three columns please
  • Get rid of some adverts
  • I see you still missed my make over

On the 4th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 4 is too many colours here
  • Why the extra column
  • Get rid of some adverts please
  • And that make over will really suite me

On the 5th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 5 posts is not good enough
  • 4 is too many colours here
  • Why the extra column
  • Get rid of some adverts please
  • And that make over will really suite me

On the 6th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 6 keywords will do
  • 5 posts and still nothing new
  • still too many colours
  • Get rid of that column
  • oh no more advertisers
  • I really need a make over

On the 7th say of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 7 paragraphs is great
  • include those 6 keywords mate
  • 5 posts won’t do
  • so many colours
  • Now another new column
  • ads ads ads, nothing new
  • a new make over should be a clue

On the 8th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • Read 8 blogs
  • write 7 paragraphs
  • use those 6 keywords
  • post more than 5 posts
  • less colours please
  • get rid of that column
  • ads are so common
  • and did I mention that make over please

On the 9th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 9 re-tweets
  • from reading 8 other blogs
  • 7 paragraphs is great
  • 6 keywords please
  • you should really post more than 5 blog posts
  • get the colours right
  • columns left centre and right
  • too many ads give me a fright
  • I see a make over in sight.

On the 10th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 10 comments, sweet
  • 9 re-tweets
  • because you’ve read 8 other blogs
  • Now write 7 paragraphs
  • include 6 keywords
  • now you can write more than 5 blog posts
  • you don’t need those extra colours
  • still too many columns
  • less ads more space
  • I need a make over, I’m a disgrace

On the 11th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • up 11 rankings today
  • 10 more comments
  • only 9-re-tweets
  • you can read more than 8 other blogs
  • 7 small paragraphs
  • remember those keywords
  • ok I see I have more than 5 blog posts
  • colours are looking better
  • columns look right
  • 2-4 ads is a better sight
  • looks like I might get that makeover tonight

On the 12th day of Christmas my true blog said to me

  • 12 incoming links
  • up 11 rankings
  • 10 great comments
  • 9 more re-tweets
  • read another 8 blogs
  • 7 paragraphs is easy
  • I remembered those keywords
  • I now have more than 5 blog posts
  • colours are just right
  • less columns more space
  • not so many ads in your face
  • finally I have my makeover, I look great

Merry Christmas to you all, and as Sire puts it, have a Blogging new year.

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