Are you motivated? What motivates you?
Nov30Written by:
2009/11/30 01:31 PM 
In November of this year, 2009, we were fortunate enough to have a holiday in the UK for a month. Relatives were kind enough to buy the plane tickets and pay for our accommodation and food. I did blog while I was over there, but did not get much work done. It was a holiday after all. But getting back to South Africa, and reading my emails, I started to get very depressed.
Clients don't seem to understand that you need a holiday. One particular guy wants to cancel his project because I had not worked on it for a few weeks, as I was away. He says he didn't except it to take this long. So, getting motivated to blog and get back into the swing of things is taking a bit longer, I'm sure you all have been in this position.
Being self employed or even a blogger does take its toll. You have to agree that almost every topic has been blogged to death. So how do you get motivated as a blogger to come up with new information, exciting posts, readable and engaging topics.
What Do you do for motivation?
What motivates you? Sure I could give a list of what might motivate me, but that might not apply to you. So what I would like to do, is ask you to list a few things in the comments below that motivates you. Perhaps some of that might even apply to me and I am sure others will benefit from your encouragement as well.
Well perhaps I might leave you with a short list.
Comments - you commenting on my posts is a huge form of motivation.
Challenges from other bloggers - As I read through other blog posts, I often get challenged to write an exceptional post myself.
Family - What a source of encouragement.
Stats - Yeah I know, it might be shallow, but when you see that graph on an upward trend, you do feel great. When it goes down, well then that does not help does it.
So please leave us a list of things that motivates you in the comments below.
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