Some fun with Twitter. Funniest Tweets.
Nov27Written by:
2009/11/27 01:45 PM 
Twitter is a micro blogging service that allows you only 140 characters to express your inner most needs, your most astounding questions, your most intellectual answers and your most outrageous funniest jokes. With only 140 characters, there is not much room to explain much or to be long winded. You have to be crisp, sharp and to the point.
So when someone post 140 characters on Twitter that make you laugh, it's worth while to share with the rest of the community. Here is a list of really funny 140 characters. We can't really call them one liners can we?
ungraceful Surrounded by insane soccer moms. Send help. And weapons. A lot of weapons.
deadrooster I’m reading a book called 3-minute abs. I worked out for 3 minutes but my abs look the same…what a ripoff!
deadrooster You know, I’d give my right-arm to be ambidextrous.
texburgher It's breathtakingly beautiful, the dim light of the office fridge filtered through the fine mist of a really good sneeze.
JamesIslander My fake plant died because I didn’t pretend to water it…
carrmah I'm at home watching Monsters vs. Aliens & as soon as the in-laws leave, we'll probably pop in a movie.
badbanana Anyone else concerned that celebrities are dying off faster than American Idol can create them?
adamisacson Check it out! I'm texting while bicycli
badbanana 14.9 million Americans are now unemployed. That's a lot of new blogs
blonderaider21 "In the year 3000, YouTube, Twitter & Facebook will merge into one super time wasting website called YouTwitFace.” - Conan O'Brien
ankitkhare What do you mean, my birth certificate expired?
Aimee_B_Loved This isn't makeup. This is warpaint.
frageelay Grocery supply is getting so low the parakeet's looking nervous
stacey727 I have been informed by IT that our server is failing to recognize me. Must be the new hair do.
AuntMarvel Today is my husband's birthday. I hope he got me something nice.
joeschmitt 40 is the new 30. For dogs that means 6 is the new 4.
ttseco What's wrong with the spellchecker? Oh, I'm writing on paper.
brettp Most wireless problems can be solved with a really, really long cable.
There are so many out there. Do you have any to share?
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