Web Developers Blog Carnival - Issue #16
Sep8Written by:
2009/09/08 10:46 AM 
Welcome to the September 7, 2009 edition of web developers. This week was a slow week, but does not mean that our articles are of any less quality. Read them, you won't be sorry.
Suzane Smith presents 50 Travel Nurses You Can Follow and Learn From on Twitter posted at LVN to RN.
Robert presents 7 Tips on How to write effective blog titles that solicit traffic. posted at The Brave Programmer, saying, "Blog titles are one of the most important aspects of a blog, but often times are not given the importance that they deserve. One of the biggest factors that affect your position in the Google search engine results page is your blog title. A blog title is also the make or break factor when it comes to enticing a click from a potential reader, and thus potential traffic. Not all of us know or have the skill to write good attractive blog titles. So, lets try and see if we can come up with some good ideas that will help us with or blog titles and increase our traffic..."
Robert presents Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap. posted at The Brave Programmer, saying, "Two thing that young bloggers struggle with, that is traffic for their blog and blog exposure. These two seem to be interrelated. That is the one depends on the other. More traffic will get you more exposure and more exposure will get you more traffic..."
Ray presents Make Money Blogging: Blog Tips For Beginners posted at Money Blue Book.
Alwin presents Social Networking with Joomla 1.5 posted at Joomla Hacks, saying, "Now anyone can create a social networking site using the Joomla xtensions witrout even touching the codes. There is a number of powerful applications(Extensions) available for this purpose."
Robert presents Test sending emails without a SMTP server in .NET. posted at The Brave Programmer, saying, "Testing is so important to application development. In fact more time in the development cycle is used up in testing and design than in actual coding. Any Tom, Dick or Jane can code. But truly gifted developers can test, find and eliminate bugs.."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of web developers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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