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Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap


Written by:
2009/09/03 09:08 AM RssIcon

image Two thing that young bloggers struggle with, that is traffic for their blog and blog exposure. These two seem to be interrelated. That is the one depends on the other. More traffic will get you more exposure and more exposure will get you more traffic.

This is not only a phenomenon with younger and newer blogs, but the A-list and well established blogs suffer from the same problem. Albeit that you might not recognise it at first, but it’s there. After all, if those 10’s of thousands of visitors stop visiting, then there goes your A-list blog down the tube.

Hard work

Getting traffic is a hard job. There is no quick fix. Sure you might get some huge traffic spikes, but we are looking for sustainability here.

If you are anything like me then you know that bloggers, whether part time or full time, have very little spare time on their hands. I for one try to write at least one post every day, but with so much else going one I find it difficult to write more than that.

Guest posting is a tried and tested way of getting traffic and exposure. Problem is, if you have very little time to write you own posts, then writing guest posts is even more difficult. You do not want to sacrifice a post on your blog for one on another. Although it is not that dramatic, you know what I mean.

A radical idea – swapping posts.

image Enter in a radical idea. Why not take the post that I wrote for my blog, make that into a guest post. Send that to another blogger. But here is the clincher, have that same blogger send you his/her post and then you post that to your blog. That way no one misses out on a blog post.

What am I saying here? Well this is what I call post swapping. Find a blog in your niche and area of expertise, and swap blog posts with each other. That way you are exposed to his audience, and he/she is exposed to your audience. You will also receive traffic from the other bloggers audience and readership and vice versa.

I think its is a brilliant idea. Very simple yet very effective. So what are you waiting for? Find yourselves a blogging buddy, and start swapping posts. You do not have to do it every day. But perhaps once a week or once a month.

Now if you have more than one blogging buddy, you can swap a number of posts with each other. It’s a win win situation.

So who is your blogging buddy, who are you going to swap posts with?


There seems to be a little confusion as to whether this scheme will produce duplicate posts. Well it should not. You are simply exchanging posts. A post that normally would have been posted on your blog, is now posted on someone else's blog and vice versa. This way there is no duplicate posts because you have swapped the post out for another one. This way you also do not have to write an extra guest post, your original post becomes the guest post. Also Your blog does not skip a post, because your blogging buddy has written one for you.

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7 comment(s) so far...


Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

Interesting to possibly create new readers for your own blog but wouldn't there be a problem in GoogleGods eyes on the issue of duplicate content. It could be an idea to spin the content with a subtle rewrite to avoid this problem

By Graham on  2009/09/03 09:49 AM

Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

Surely it's a swap, rather than posting the same to both sites?

By Mike CJ on  2009/09/03 12:53 PM

Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

Yes, it seems a little ambiguous. Do you mean having the same post on your site and another blogger's site?

By Gordie Rogers on  2009/09/03 03:03 PM

Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

Guys, was I ambiguous, I didn't this so,

No Duplicate content. You simply swap posts, you write for the other blogger, and in turn they write a post for your blog. As opposed to just a one sided guest post.
So the post that was meant for your blog, is now posted on the other blog and vice versa. The post that would have been posted on your blog is now posted on someone else's blog as a guest post. At the same time, as post that the other blogger has written but not posted to his blog would be posted on your blog.

By Robert Bravery on  2009/09/03 09:10 PM

Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

This sounds like an awesome idea... Sadly I'm fighting some database monsters and fear I may have lost my blog forever :( yup not a single back up how great am I? Luckily my blog was quite young still really depressing though, I am currently trying to see if I can save anything but sadly it looks like I'm going to have to start over. Either way great idea I wouldn't mind in on it when I'm back on my feet.

By Michael Fletcher on  2009/09/04 09:52 PM

Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

I believe this is a great way to increase traffic and to get a different view point on the same niche that your business is in.

Anyone want to be a guest author on my blog?

By AntonRSA on  2009/09/06 10:52 AM

Re: Want traffic and exposure for your blog - get involved in post swap

HI Mike,

Thanks for the comment.
When your blog is up and running again, drop me a line.

By Robert Bravery on  2009/09/06 08:49 PM
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