Facebook reaches 175 million users.
Feb16Written by:
2009/02/16 09:29 AM 
Just over a month ago Facebook announced that they reached 150 million active users. On Friday Facebook announced that they reached the 175 million mark.
Dave Morin, who runs Facebook's application platform team, announced the milestone Friday evening on his Twitter/FriendFeed. Facebook reached 150 million just more than two months after reaching 120 million and about four months after reaching 100 million.
That's close to a 14 million increase month on month. That's a huge increase. With such a huge amount of people, Facebook is becoming a online marketing dream. Gone are the days where Facebook was for teenagers and college students. Business is now getting in on the deal. The question is, what are you doing?
Business in South Africa today have to take a serious look at the opportunities that Facebook offers for marketing their brand and products. With 175 million users world wide it is a no-brainer.
Admittedly Facebook is not that strong in SA. But with a 600 000 - 700 000 user base, it is still a viable marketing option. But like everything in life, if not done correctly you can fall really far and really fast. As with any Social Networking platform, the key is credibility and relationships. Give before you take or ask.
Here are a 15 things to help you market on Facebook.
What is your business doing with Facebook?
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