Wii sells close to 45 million units.
Feb3Written by:
2009/02/03 09:06 AM 
Gaming is big business. Even more popular is the console gaming market. With the likes of Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, there is fierce competition. Everyone is geared t more realistic graphics, newer games. Its a dog eat dog world. But enter the WII, a flashback of the old Ntendo games like Mario Bro's, one would never have though that old style with a new twist will make it in the cut throat arena of the console gaming market.
But Wii have made a difference. Four years after sceptics questioned the Wii's viability, the console is soaring above even the wildest expectations.
On 29 January, the company that spent the last generation bringing up the rear with the GameCube reported that its current console had sold 44.96 million units worldwide as of December 31 - a 10 million unit increase from just two months prior.
I find that totally amazing, what with all the simplicity of the games, one would think that this techno driven society would laugh at the Wii. But no, they have embraced it with open arms.
Let the battle for supremacy begin.
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