Explore Mars with Google Earth 5.0
Feb2Written by:
2009/02/02 10:47 PM ![RssIcon](/desktopmodules/Blog/Images/feed-icon-12x12.gif)
5-4-3-2-1- Blast off. While you and I might never become an astronaut and have the chance to ride a Mars Rover, Google has now rolled out an Earth-bound alternative for the masses. With Google Earth it is now possible to live that astronaut dream.
Google Earth 5.0 was unveiled on Monday. Users can now explore Mars in the same way they've been able to instantly view 3D images of much earth for several years now.
In conjunction with NASA, the Mars project is intended both for casual investigation and serious research of Mars. NASA and Google hope scientists and other researchers will use the new Google Earth Mars feature to share data about the red planet.
"The mode enables users to fly virtually through enormous canyons and scale huge mountains on Mars that are much larger than any found on Earth," NASA said in a statement. "Users also can explore the Red Planet through the eyes of the Mars rovers and other Mars missions, providing a unique perspective of the entire planet."
Not only is the world a small place, but is seems that our solar system, and indeed the galaxy might not be as big or as unreachable as we once thought.
Do you use Google Earth? What do you think?
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