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Carnival of Blogging - September 27, 2010 Edition


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2010/10/04 06:56 AM RssIcon

Welcome to the September 27, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

Julia Wells presents Top 50 Blogs for Teaching Tips, Ideas and Inspiration posted at Masters in Teaching, saying, "Some of the best education occurs through example. The following blogs contain a multitude of personal experiences and lessons in the field of teaching."

Hudson Horizons presents Keeping Up with Google Caffeine and How the New Platform Affects SEO posted at RSS Feed, saying, "Google introduced the completed version of its new and improved platform, Google Caffeine."

John Paul Aguiar presents 5 Reasons You Should Not Be A Blogger posted at Money Dummy Blog.

Israel Baline presents Top 20 iPad Apps for Teachers posted at Masters in Special Education, saying, "Technology has transformed the classroom, teaching, and learning in general. One of the newest gadgets, the iPad, can be of great use to teachers."

JohnQ Stakes presents Top 20 Helpful iPad Apps from the Government posted at Masters in Public Policy, saying, "The U.S. federal government, as well as states and local governments, offer a number of iPad apps that can help you stay up with government happenings."

Silicon Valley Blogger presents The Perfect Hobby: One That?s Cheap, Makes Money Or Becomes A Business posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Turn your blogging hobby into a business."


Woman Tribune presents Blogging is Activism — 6 Blogging Events to Get Involved In posted at Woman Tribune.

Cary Ganz presents The Six (6) Apps and Plug-ins You Need Now! | TwitterRight posted at TwitterRight Blog, saying, "Make sure to check out our Free Video Library and get your Complimentary copy of our brand new 56 pg. ebook, "The Internet Trifecta - Integrating, automating and monetizing Twitter, Wordpress and YouTube""

Bishop Lee presents Blog Carnival Submitter | Channel Streams of Massive, Target TrafficThrough Blog Carnivasl Into Your Blogs! posted at Ca$h Money & $oftware.

MoneySecretRecipe presents 4 Most Profitable Techniques To Promote Your Blog posted at MoneySecretRecipe.

spode presents Blog Carnival Submitter | Blog Traffic and Backlinks Made Easy posted at What Is The Best Way To Get..., saying, "Get easy deep backlinks and increase your page rank, drive large amounts of visitors. GREAt software tool does it for you."

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Dear Spammer Dude posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.

Jack Benny presents Top 50 Christian Scholar Blogs posted at Christian Colleges, saying, "Bible study is a great way to learn and grow in your faith. These 50 Christian scholar blogs can help you with Bible study."

Steven Chang presents 100 Must Have Wordpress Plugins posted at How To Start A Blog: For Fun And Profit!.

Jamie Northrup presents – Web Design and Social Marketing Company. » I blog at home and work, but work from anywhere. posted at - Web Design and Social Marketing Company..

Angel Taylor presents My Recommended Blogging Resources for 2010 posted at Angel Taylor's MLM Profits Blog.

Steven Chang presents 35 Blogging Best Practices To Help Your Blog Succeed posted at How To Start A Blog: For Fun And Profit!.

Ellan Elanzen presents The Marriage between SEO and Commercial Blogging posted at Eliteblogger, saying, "Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the ways to make money blogging. This essentially means that the page that is holding the content is listed on the major search engines as available when the user types in a query."


CHANG KAN presents Wireless-Detective - Wireless Snffer and Interception Tool posted at Wireless-Detective, saying, "Wireless-Detective is WLAN Interception Tool manufactured by Decision Group. It is widely used by Law Enforcement Agencies for WLAN Lawful Interception all over the world."

Soccial Media

Zachary L Smith presents Debunking the Facebook Hype-How to Use Facebook Pages in Your New Media Strategy posted at Increasing Leverage, saying, "The flood of traffic Facebook enjoys as the number 2 most trafficked site in the world makes them appealing for business for this reason alone. However, the lack of control over your content, non-business reasons people use Facebook, and their obtuse user interface are all cause for concern. Learn how to use and how not to use Facebook Pages so can create a “Pages” strategy that gives you the best market to medium match."

Web 2.0

Leslie Yoelson presents Top 25 Little-Known Web Startups Revolutionizing the Way We Communicate posted at Masters in Communication, saying, "The information age has changed the way we all communicate. This is a list of 25 little-known startups leading the charge."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of blogging using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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