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Carnival of Blogging - August 23 2010 Edition


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2010/08/30 07:53 AM RssIcon

Welcome to the August 23, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

Ferrari Dude presents Top 25 Google Android Apps for Public Health Professionals posted at MPH Degree, saying, "The following top 25 Google Android apps for public health professionals include health apps, communication apps and apps that could make any public health professional’s work and social life more convenient."

Domain presents How to be an Internet Ninja : The Chronicles of Domain Name Ninja: Social Bookmarking and how it contributes to search engine rankings posted at The Ninja Blog, saying, "Beginners guide to social bookmarking"

Adil Amarsi presents Top 3 Sales Copy Mistakes posted at Copywriting | Internet Marketing | Make money online.

sharons719 presents Top 25 BlackBerry Apps for Public Health Professionals posted at Masters of Public Health, saying, "Public health professionals have many different responsibilities. Advances in technologies can help take away some of the pressure of these responsibilities."

Ziki presents Online Marketing Lesson 3 - Make Money with ClickBank (Avoid Sneaky Vendors who Might Steal your Commissions) posted at Video Marketing Strategies ;).

CHANG KAN presents Wireless-Detective - Wireless Snffer and Interception Tool posted at Wireless-Detective, saying, "Wireless-Detective is WLAN Interception Tool manufactured by Decision Group. It is widely used by Law Enforcement Agencies for WLAN Lawful Interception all over the world."

JohnQ Stakes presents Top 20 Health and Fitness Mobile Apps: iPhone vs. Android posted at Nurse Practitioner Degree, saying, "Mobile applications for both the iPhone and the Android have a variety of uses. One of the most common and popular uses is for health and fitness."


Rosetta Thurman presents Two Newbie Blogger Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Personal Brand | Blogging for Branding posted at Blogging for Branding, saying, "This is an article about how blogging can affect your personal brand."

GreatManagement presents How To Handle Negative Comments posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "So, how does one really handle negative comments?"

Pat Doyle presents Best Keyword Research Guide – Part 1 posted at Internet Business | Pat Doyle, saying, "This article is part of a series that explains what keyword research is, why it is important, and how to do it the easy way."

Tod presents Criteria for Writing a Great Blog Article posted at Tod.FM, saying, "Keep this list in mind if you want to create the best articles you possibly can."

MoneySecretRecipe presents How Anyone Can Get Paid To Blog With Google Adsense posted at MoneySecretRecipe.

Robert Zirk presents How to Use Categories and Tags Efficiently on Your Blog posted at Robert Zirk's Blog.


Joe Revod presents Where Do You Get Backlinks? posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

Soccial Media

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Facebook Straits posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.

Hudson Horizons presents Twitter’s Newest Enhancement Makes Sharing Easier | Hudson Horizons Blogs posted at RSS Feed, saying, "Hudson Horizons Social Media Marketing, Website Development, SEO and Web 2.0 Blog provides important information on Social Media Marketing, Website Design, Website Development, Web 2.0 Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and will help you to increase your business online."

Ken G. presents Blogging is Dead! Long Live the Blog! posted at Random Thoughts, Notes, & Incidents, saying, "Newsweek has (once again) declared the death of blogging and all forms of social participation on the web. I say that never before have so many people been writing and publishing on a regular basis."

James Feudo presents The Social Media Trap posted at Overnight Sensation, saying, "Sometimes getting immersed in social media can have unexpected results."

Sig presents Why Forums can be a VERY Negative Experience (but survivable) posted at Zen and Mountain Biking, saying, "Why forums might not be a good place to showcase new products or ideas...."

Nesher presents Promote your blog through Dagaloo posted at Blogging for Good in the Modern World.


Larry Dignan presents 30 Best Blogs to Learn More About Acupuncture posted at

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition ofcarnival of blogging using ourcarnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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