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Carnival of Blogging - August 9, 2010 edition


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2010/08/09 02:16 PM RssIcon

Welcome to the August 9, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

sharons719 presents Top 50 iPad Apps for e-Learners posted at top 10 online universities, saying, "With the iPad you can study and learn from anywhere. All you need to be able to do is connect to the Internet. Here are 50 great apps for e-learners."

Francis Thomas presents 25 iPad Apps Every Engineer Needs posted at Masters in Engineering, saying, "The following 25 iPad apps that every engineer needs includes a broad range of generic tools, productivity apps and references that can provide engineers from all fields with support with a single tap of a finger."

Carrie Oakley presents 50 Awesome Blog Posts for the Kindle Addict posted at Online Colleges, saying, "The listed blog posts in the article cover a wide spectrum of information regarding Amazon’s revolutionary e-reader, with everything from hacks to charitable causes represented."

Hester Whitley presents Wor“KING” With Words – Importance Of Web content Writing, Editing And Research posted at The best ways to write web content, saying, "Web content writing editing and research, has come of age. Today, the Internet presents boundless opportunities for marketing. All companies are looking for a presence on the web."

Ziki presents Online Marketing Lesson 2 - Make Money with ClickBank Part 2 (The Beginner's Guide) posted at Video Marketing Strategies ;).


MoneySecretRecipe presents 5 Real Secrets For Your Own Internet Business Success That You Must Follow To Avoid Failures posted at MoneySecretRecipe.

GreatManagement presents In Praise Of Spam posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "The joy of your first comment�and the disappointment that it is spam"

Joe Revod presents Content Marketing (Naughty) Trick posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

Yee Shun Jian presents How I made S$103,789.85 in revenue from Affiliate Marketing in 2009 posted at Internet Marketing And Making Money Online | Ready, Fire, IM!, saying, "A step by step guide (complete with pics of affiliate cheques) on how I made a 6 figure income from the internet in 2009"

GreatManagement presents Take The Stress Out Of Blogging posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "No matter what you want to change you have to take action�positive action."

Ana Hoffman presents Reduce Blog Bounce Rate: 30 Ultimate Tips | Blog Traffic | Traffic Generation Cafe | Generate Targeted Website Blog Traffic posted at Traffic Generation Cafe.

Silicon Valley Blogger presents Find The Best Web Host For Your Online Business posted at The Digerati Life.


Camille Hensley presents 25 Android Apps Every Nurse Needs posted at Online LPN to RN.

Jay Stamford presents Anti Spyware Reviews | Get Rid Of Spyware posted at Get Rid Of Spyware, saying, "The best site on the planet"

Mitch Archuleta presents Lenovo ThinkPad T410 Review posted at Laptop Reviews, saying, "Hands-on review of the popular programming and blogging corporate laptop by Lenovo."


Bucksome presents Savvy Blogging Materials & Recap Part 3 posted at Buck$ome Boomer's Journey to Retirement, saying, "Attending my first blog conference was overwhelming and wonderful experience. This is the last installment in a 3 part series on the networking , content highlights and process."

Soccial Media

Lauren presents Social Media Synergy posted at Technolochick.

Rugbygirl Crosby presents Top 50 Public Administration Web Resources posted at Master of Public Administration, saying, "A public administrator needs all the resources available at his or her fingertips, including information about organizations, research, online interaction, public outreach and contact information for local, regional, national and even international resources. You’ll find the best of all this information in our list of the top 50 public administration Web resources."

Luke Geraghty presents What Is Reddit, Who Is A Reddit User And How Do I Get On The Front Page? posted at Luke, saying, "A thorough guide on the social media and news website reddit, taking you from the basics to landing your first front page submission."

Ryan_Taft presents Use SCVNGR to Drive Sales for Your Small Business posted at Catalyst Marketers, saying, "SCVNGR is the next iteration in geo-location mobile games. Like its Big Brother, foursquare, SCVNGR allows business owners to engage their customers while in store. Check out this post to learn more about using SCVNGR for business."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition ofcarnival of blogging using ourcarnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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