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Carnival of Blogging - June 7, 2010 edition


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2010/06/24 07:37 AM RssIcon


Welcome to the June 7, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

mrs laughton presents 6 Essential Android Apps for Health, Wealth and Happiness posted at Registered Nurse Online, saying, "Smartphones can really improve your quality of life, especially with the new Android applications for Health, Wealth, and Happiness."

Rona Burstein presents 50 Government Blogs & Web Resources That Are Good for Your Health posted at Master of Public Health, saying, "Thanks to the current government’s efforts toward transparency, you can learn more about their motivations through blogs and updated Web sites that focus on disease, disease prevention and research. Here many of those resources are together in this list of 50 government blogs and Web resources that are good for your health."

Herbert Anderson presents Top 40 Web Tools to Find Ultrasound Technician Jobs posted at Best ultrasound technician schools, saying, "While large job sites are great to get a feel of what’s available, you also can use organizational sites, job-specific sites, hospital sites and recruiters to find jobs. This list of the top 40 Web tools to find ultrasound technician jobs provides that resource for you, where you can search quickly and easily for your specific concentration in the medical imaging field."

Leslie Yoelson presents 6 Essential Android Apps for Expecting Mothers posted at Schools for Ultrasound Technician, saying, "Even if you’ve read “What to expect when you’re expecting,” you may not expect all the Android Apps available for Moms-to-be.Pregnancy has never been so modern. Here are the top 6 Android Apps for pregnancy."

sharons719 presents 50 “Healthy” Ways to Use Twitter posted at Masters in Public Health, saying, "Here's a list that offers 50 healthy ways to use Twitter with links to the actual resources so you can begin immediately to prove Twitter’s worth as an effective tool in your life."


Monique Hrebeniuk presents Blog Carnival - Submit an Article to a Carnival posted at WordPress Web 2.0 How-To Spot-er.

Cheryl Ragsdale presents Hackers – A Short History Since 1972 posted at Aspiring FEMpreneur, saying, "Hackers! White collar criminals who send chills down our spines. They work silently, behind the scenes and they spoil things for everyone - infographic"

Ryan Tracey presents The 4 pillars of blogging posted at E-Learning in the Corporate Sector, saying, "Ryan Tracey shares his guiding principles of effective blogging."

Jose Anajero presents Internet Business Resources posted at INTERNET MARKETING WITH PURPOSE.

Ryan presents Building Long Lasting Traffic posted at, saying, "Writing content is just something bloggers have to do. This post is about writing posts and articles that will build long lasting traffic."

Blake Willson presents Top 50 Forensic Science Blogs posted at Masters in Forensic Science, saying, "The following list of the top 50 forensic science blogs covers a wide variety of topics. Each link is listed alphabetically and leads directly to a recently updated blog."

Abraham Juliot presents Quick Tips on Creating a Sociable Blog posted at The Artistry Aide.

GreatManagement presents The not-so-secret Diary of the Confessional Blogger posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "What�s your view on �revealing your personality�?"

Soccial Media

stanya16 presents 5 Social Media Sites for Managers & Executives posted at Masters in Healthcare Management, saying, "Social networking is one of the best tools to expand your business contacts, meet people who are interested in the same things you are, and be up to date on the latest news in your industry."

Web 2.0

Sally Neill presents Increasing Your Blog Traffic By Planting Seeds posted at

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition ofcarnival of blogging using ourcarnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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