It’s our anniversary – What has 16 years of marriage taught me about blogging
Jun11Written by:
2010/06/11 08:24 AM 
Wow, 16 years of marriage. Whoever thought we would last that long? That’s quite an achievement seeing that one in three marriages end up in divorce.
I am married to a beautiful English maiden. Who has stayed with me through thick and thin. Honouring that vow we made back in 1994.
So what has marriage taught me about blogging?
The Honeymoon
As with all marriages, the honeymoon is always bliss. You’re in love, you’re excited and you’re young and eager to accomplish anything.
Starting a blog is no different. It is excitement, hope of great things. Eager to take over the world. You are filled with energy to almost do anything with your blog.
The sad thing is that the honeymoon does not last forever.
The Hard work
After the Honeymoon the hard work really begins. Keeping a marriage takes a lot out of a person. Marriages don’t just last, they are built. They are built over time. The longer you are married, the longer you build on it and the better the marriage becomes.
We have had our fair share of problems. Rough patches, ups and downs. But the key is to never give up. If you believe that this is something worth fighting for, then fight for it.
It has not always gone my way. Not everything has turned out the way I expected. One thing I learned is that I am not always right.
There is a lot of give and take. Sometimes to keep the peace you just have to concede defeat.
Blogging is exactly the same. Once the initial excitement has worn off, then the hard part starts. Your blog will not build itself, you have to work at it. It takes time and effort.
Not every thing is going to go your way. Your blog is going to have rough patches. You are going to lose readers. You are going to be spammed, and you are going to be criticised.
Most times, your blog will take on a life of it’s own, going in directions that were not expected.
There will have to be some give and take with you and the readers of your blog. Be open to opinion and criticism. Take note. Listen to your users.
The Reward.
There is a reason why God instituted marriage. There is a reason why a man must leave his mother and father and cling to his wife. There is a reason why they shall be one flesh.
Marriage is the best thing, it is what makes man whole. There are so many rewards that they cannot be listed.
We have two lovely children. I have untold love and support. What more can I ask for?
If you have patience, keep up the hard work, then I personally guarantee that your blog will reward you. The reward that you get is in direct proportion to the effort you put in.
All I can say is stick with it, be patient, and enjoy what you do. Happy blogging.
And Happy Anniversary Beverley.
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