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Carnival of Blogging. - May 24, 2010 edition


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2010/05/30 08:20 AM RssIcon


Welcome to the May 24, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

Anthony Dominick presents Top 50 Blogs by Divinity Students posted at Masters in Divinity, saying, "This post has managed to cull 50 top blogs written by divinity students across the U.S., categorized by degree and a bonus category filled with groups of students who blog."

Dallas Burrows presents 5 Excellent iPad Apps for Your Health and Wellness posted at BSN to MSN, saying, "Out of the myriad of applications that will be released in the coming months, here is a first look at five iPad applications to ensure your health and happiness."

Blake Willson presents 6 Essential Android Apps for Health Professionals posted at Master of Science in Nursing, saying, "Every tool you need in your healthcare career can be at your fingertips if you have an Android Smartphone. Google’s Android platform works with an ever-increasing number of smartphones, including the T-Mobile G1. If your phone has Android, be sure to check out these applications that will make your life and work a lot easier."

Beth Ziesenis presents Twiddla: Surf the web together posted at Cheapskate Freelancer, saying, "Thumbnail review by the Cheapskate Freelancer of another great site for online collaboration."

Joey Bishop presents Top 50 Free Open Source Classes on Computer Science posted at Masters in Computer Science, saying, "Computer science is both an interesting and growing field to get into. Here are 50 free opencourseware classes that can help you learn more about computer science."

Leslie Yoelson presents 7 Ways to Learn About Informatics posted at Master of Health Informatics, saying, "Informatics is an academic field covering information science, technology, algorithms and social sciences, usually involving computer science."

Sheryl Owen presents Top 10 Reasons to Use Snail Mail posted at Change of Address.

Dallas Burrows presents 5 Excellent iPad Apps for Nurses posted at LPN to RN Bridge, saying, "With the release of the iPad, nurses now have access to a robust tablet that many industry insiders believe will revolutionize the healthcare delivery system."


Joe Revod presents Blog Commenting Plus (+) posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

GreatManagement presents The Funny Side of Customer Service posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "Here are a few funny true stories about customer service."

Ryan presents Real SEO Optimization That Works posted at, saying, "My method for SEO."


Jose Anajero presents 15 Step By Step SEO Tips For Writing Blog Posts posted at INTERNET MARKETING WITH PURPOSE.

Jose Anajero presents The Art of Persuasion: Copywriting or Preaching? posted at INTERNET MARKETING WITH PURPOSE.

Olivia Davis presents 20 Amazing iPad Apps for Educators posted at Online University Reviews, saying, "After the iPod revolutionized how society listened to music and the iPhone pushed the boundaries of smartphone technology, the iPad stands poised to alter the face of mobile computing. Many have praised its potential to make personal and professional lives that much easier – and that certainly includes the education industry!"

Nathan Rufus presents How To Go From Employed To Unemployable In 346 Days? Or Less! posted at, saying, "It's all in the title. Could have also been called "How To Sack Your Boss In 3 Easy Steps""

Patrick Whalen presents The WordPress Wardrobe posted at

Soccial Media

Natalie Thomas presents Top 50 Twitter Feeds to Follow Tech News posted at Becoming a Computer Technician, saying, "Take a look at the listed top 50 Twitter feeds to follow tech news. They contain everything on the latest new gadget, along with loads of other tidbits to help you enjoy the tech you already have."

TIP Guy presents Social Media: How It is Relevant to Me? posted at, saying, "should I make effort to participate in it? What will I get out of it? In answer is, yes, I should participate in social networks. I have an opportunity to reach out to wider audience. I have an opportunity to create my social profile based on my thought process, my preference, my selected ideas, and network with others having similar thought process."

Eadwine Walter presents 5 Social Media Sites for Scientists posted at Masters in Clinical Research, saying, "Throughout history Scientists have made the most important discoveries by working together, bouncing ideas off one another, and helping each other succeed. Now, through social networking and media sites, scientists have even more access to working together from all over the world."

Web 2.0

Adam Park presents Top 20 Tech Blogs posted at Computer Science Schools.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of blogging using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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