Women Gives Birth to Eight Babies. Octuplets.
Jan27Written by:
2009/01/27 09:50 PM 
A women has given birth to eight (8) babies in the city of Bellflower in the US. Both Mother and babies are reported as doing well.
Medical professionals were convinced the woman was pregnant seven children They were stunned when they delivered the eighth. The children are in intensive care and are said to be "doing very, very well". Only one other time was their a recording of a set of octuplets that were live born.
They were born nine weeks prematurely by Caesarean section over a period of five minutes at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Centre in Bellflower. Two of the babies were initially put on ventilators but they are now breathing on their own.
The six boys and two girls are initially identified by the letters A to G.
Amazing news is that the mother, who has not been identified, plans to breast feed all eight babies. Now I know a little bit, not much about breast feeding. Although it is a natural and in most cases a blessed thing to do. It does have it's up and down moments. My wife who breast fed both out children, and only just a year ago, stopped breast feeding our little baby girl, often suffered with various small problems and pain. Not to mention the sleepless nights and every thing else that goes with breast feeding. But to tackle eight, this lady will need a miracle and help from God. Pray for her.
Full Story here.
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