Google takes the lead in generated traffic.
Jan27Written by:
2009/01/27 09:27 PM 
What is the most visited site on the internet. Probably a no brainer. Everyone uses Google. It would seem that Google is the winner. But getting traffic to your site is one thing. Keeping them there is another.
Amongst the top 10 web Brands, Google attracted the greatest number of unique visitors for the month of December. In contrast, AOL was best at keeping its users glued to its site, according to figures released Tuesday by Nielsen Online.
During December, Google received 133.9 million unique visitors, while Microsoft received 125.8 million visitors coming second to Google. Yahoo was third with 117.8 million visitors, and AOL brought up the rear, well a distant fourth at 86 million.
Although AOL held the No. 4 spot in visitors, it took first place in getting those users to stay longer at its sites. Averaging 3.4 hours during the month. Yahoo was a close second with 3.1 hours. Microsoft and Google trailed with 2.24 hours and 2 hours, respectively, according to the report.
And while Facebook had the lowest ranking among the top 10 for unique visitor traffic, its users stayed longer on the site, at a rate similar to Google.
So what can we learn from this.
- Optimise your site for Google. Most people are using it.
- Use Microsoft Technology. Most seem to be supporting them.
- Advertise on AOL and Yahoo. People stay there longer, giving your add better coverage.
- But don't forget Social networking, as we see Facebook keeps users glued to their screens.
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