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Carnival of Blogging - April 19 Edition


Written by:
2010/04/24 07:42 AM RssIcon

Welcome to the April 19, 2010 edition of carnival of blogging.

Julian Pollock presents Progress, Updates and Specs of This Blog posted at Chandelier-Mall Blog, saying, "Here is some blocking/musing whilst trying to get my head around how best to present this new blog. Any thoughts and comments are welcome!"

Canika Jackson presents 6 Reasons You Ought to Learn How to Build a PC posted at Computer Technician Schools, saying, "Before you think to yourself that building a computer is a prohibitively complex, expensive task, consider these six reasons you should learn how to build a PC."

John Paul Aguiar presents SEO Tips For Your Twitter and Facebook Page To Rank You Higher On Google posted at Money Dummy Blog.

mrs laughton presents Top 50 Engineering Blogs posted at Online Engineering Programs, saying, "Engineering careers can vary from studies about landslides to planning urban designs that might prove sustainable. Engineering blogs reflect the same variety, including topics that touch on software, networking structures, automobiles, mining and more."

GreatManagement presents Blogging Guide: Improving Your WordPress SEO posted at We Build Your Blog, saying, "In this blogging guide video I show you the simple steps you must take to improve your SEO."


David a presents | | About | posted at Need 2 Know, saying, "Looking for people to come and check out my blog. Give me comments, advice, anything to help me out."

GrrlScientist presents Publish or Perish: A Brief Review of Unsuccessful Attempts to Treat Writer's Block : Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) posted at Living the Scientific Life, saying, "Publish or Perish: A Brief Review of Unsuccessful Attempts to Treat Writer's Block"

Florine Church presents 50 Excellent Science Blogs Anyone Can Appreciate posted at Online

Joe Revod presents Step By Step Affiliate Marketing posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

Tisha Dotson presents 50 Best Blogs in the Dentalsphere posted at Nursing School Search Blog.

ipadfan presents Apple iPad Screen Protection posted at Ipad Protection, saying, "Tips about why your new ipad need protection."

Joe Revod presents Email Marketing Facts (most gurus won’t tell you…) posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

Tom Tessin presents The Importance of Blogging for Your Business posted at FBC Blog, saying, "If your business isn't blogging today, you're missing out! The top reasons you should start blogging with your business today."

Monique Hrebeniuk presents 6 Proven Marketing Ideas For Business Online | Helping People Succeed In Business posted at Helping People Succeed In Business.

Digerati Life presents How To Create A Blog For Fun Or Profit posted at The Digerati Life, saying, "Thanks!"


Olivia Davis presents Top 50 Twitter Feeds to Follow Tech News posted at Becoming a Computer Technician, saying, "If you are afraid of being scooped out of the latest technological headline, take a look at the below top 50 Twitter feeds to follow tech news. They contain everything on the latest new gadget, along with loads of other tidbits to help you enjoy the tech you already have."

Sushant Das presents iPhone Programming Resource for Developers and Entrepreneurs posted at The iPhone Developer Resource, saying, "iPhone Development and iPhone Programming Resource for developers. Sign up to get daily coding tips and tricks straight from the gurus. Get free source code snippets in weekly packs. Access experts and ask them any questions or issues you are facing."

Joe Revod presents Simple Online Business - Don’t Overcomplicate! posted at Internet Business Make Money Online With Welly Mulia.

TSW Blog presents How To Make Money Online With An Online Business posted at The Smarter Wallet.

Soccial Media

Sell It on the Web presents My Twitter Account Got Suspended: What Now? posted at Sell It on the Web, saying, "Tips and advice on what to do when your Twitter account gets suspended."

Edna bhacker presents Top 50 Health Care Pundits Worth Following on Twitter posted at Nurse Practitioner Degree, saying, "One way for citizens and health care professionals to stay on top of the news is to follow health care news correspondents, health publications and Health 2.0 advocates on Twitter. To that end, this list of top 50 health care pundits worth following includes individuals and news publications that focus on various health issues."

Web 2.0

Gavin Campbell presents Freelance Illustrator Ohio, Illustration By Broken Box Designs, LLC posted at Blog entries, saying, "Addicted to artsy things and obsessed with colors, that is Wendy Lynn Sefcik, an illustrator and designer running Broken Box Designs, LLC"

Angelita Williams presents 100 Best RSS Feeds to Follow Engineering News posted at Construction Management Degrees.

Whoopie Patterson presents 10 Essential Web Tools for Research Scientists posted at Masters in Science, saying, "Research scientists have their work cut out for them in the field. However, utilizing web resources, their job can be made much easier."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of blogging using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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