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Web Developers Carnival - April 5, 2010


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2010/04/12 07:53 AM RssIcon

Welcome to the April 5, 2010 edition of web developers carnival.

This edition of our web developers carnival promises to meet everyones needs. From PHP developments to Websites for science teachers, to Twitter feeds to improve your writing.

Leslie Brown presents 7 Free Web Apps to Track Swine Flu Anytime, Anywhere posted at Masters in Public Health.

Engelbert Hudson presents 25 Essential Free iPhone Apps for e-Learners posted at Best Online Masters Degrees, saying, "e-Learners might learn faster and more efficiently with iPhone apps that are both free and easy to use. If you are a self-starter, an online student or simply a person who loves to continue learning, you might gain satisfaction from apps that can help you to learn a new language or help you stay on top of science and world news."

Matt Day presents 11 Ways to Get Unlimited Amount of FREE Traffic posted at Internet Marketing, saying, "Do you need more targeted Traffic? I have compiled a list of my favorite ways to get FREE traffic to my sites and blogs. Most of these methods are also used by the most successful blogs and websites."

Canika Jackson presents 6 Reasons You Ought to Learn How to Build a PC posted at Computer Technician Schools, saying, "Before you think to yourself that building a computer is a prohibitively complex, expensive task, consider these six reasons you should learn how to build a PC."

Glory Scott presents 25 Notable Start-ups Changing the Medical Information Industry posted at Masters in Health Informatics, saying, "Information technology is building in the medical sector, along with new jobs in many of the start-ups mentioned in this list. These 25 notable start-ups are changing the medical information industry."

Leslie Yoelson presents 50 Essential Free Android Apps for Sports Fans posted at sports management, saying, "With smart phones now running Android, the Google OS, application developers are providing products and services for enthusiasts to carry around with them. It's a good thing Android has so many apps for sports fans."

Jennifer Kingsley presents 17 Ways Mobile Computing Is Changing Medicine and Healthcare posted at Online Radiology Technician Schools, saying, "No matter your career in health care, you are likely to find that technology is changing health care and the way things are done. Here are 17 ways that mobile computing is changing medicine and health care."


Madeleine Begun Kane presents Patently Evil? (Litigation Limerick) posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.

Olivia Davis presents Top 50 Twitter Feeds to Follow Tech News posted at Becoming a Computer Technician, saying, "If you are afraid of being scooped out of the latest technological headline, take a look at the below top 50 Twitter feeds to follow tech news. They contain everything on the latest new gadget, along with loads of other tidbits to help you enjoy the tech you already have."

Natalie Thomas presents 100 Best Websites for Science Teachers posted at Forensic Science Technician, saying, "With science and math in the headlines, teachers are under more pressure than ever to keep kids up to date. You could always go to the internet for help, but digging through all of those sites could take hours."

Evan M Meagher presents The Best Looking Code Highlighter for Wordpress posted at Evan M Meagher, saying, "Wordpress Code Highlighting plugins"

Gavin Campbell presents Freelance Illustrator Ohio, Illustration By Broken Box Designs, LLC posted at Blog entries, saying, "Addicted to artsy things and obsessed with colors, that is Wendy Lynn Sefcik, an illustrator and designer running Broken Box Designs, LLC"

Pierson Group presents Agile Development- 10 Principles posted at Companies Improve ROI in Software Development, saying, "Pierson Requirement Group has trained various business analyst, corporate project managers, quality assurance managers, and professional consultants. The training format used by Pierson group includes on-site classroom training, instructor-led public classroom training, and virtual instructor-led training."


johnsouk presents IndusWebi Web Development Company posted at IndusWebi Blog, saying, "IndusWebi is a professional web development company with nearly a decade’s experience in all web-based business solutions based in Delhi, India. It offers professional web design, web development, dedicated server, bulk sms solution, email hosting, domain registration, website development, logo design, graphics design, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, web promotion, internet marketing and other website related, software and content services to all types of industries."

Web 2.0

Mariana Ashley presents Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom posted at Associate Degree - Facts and Information.

Kristie Lewis presents 100 Best Twitter Feeds to Follow Health News posted at Nursing School Search Blog.

Sophia Nelson presents 100 Twitter Feeds That Will Improve Your Writing posted at Online Degree Top Online Degrees.

Diane Laine presents Top 50 Official Blogs by Professional Athletes posted at sports management, saying, "Technology and the Internet have made it possible for professional athletes to interact with fans via blogs and through social media, like Twitter. Indeed, some sports agents encourage blogging and social media use by professional athletes as a way to further promote the “brand.”"

Elaine Murphy presents Top 30 Library iPhone Apps – Part 1 posted at iLibrarian.

Alba Cherry presents Social Media Etiquette for Students: 50 Crucial Rules posted at Online Degree Top Online Degrees.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of web developers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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