Web Developers Carnival - January 18, 2010
Jan25Written by:
2010/01/25 07:20 AM 
Welcome to the January 18, 2010 edition of web developers.
Herbert Anderson presents 25 Tips for Students & Teachers Using Google Wave posted at Top Online University Reviews.
Heather Sanders presents Top 50 Medical Technology Blogs posted at Become An X-ray Technician.
Brent Fisher presents Creating a Groovy DSL for Financial Product Fee Schedules posted at Late Nights Coding, saying, "Ever needed a quick, lightweight way to charge different prices according to volume, introductory rates or any other custom, real time editable business rule selector? Read as Brent from Late Nights Coding introduces a way to select different pricing for a product depending on volume or aging of the client."
Case Ernsting presents MetaMonday: Ruby Quines posted at MetaSpring Blog, saying, "Quines are a perplexing part of the programming language...or any language for that matter. Our design team looks at Quines from a development point of view in this Meta post."
The Web Squad presents 7 Questions to Ask Yourself before Meeting with a Web Designer posted at The Web Squad, saying, "A website is the online version of yourself and your business. So it would make sense that many of the things that you need to run a successful business you would need to run a successful website. The designer does not know your business, all they know is how to make good websites and take your ideas and make them into reality. There are a few things that you should have already planned out before calling a web designer."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of web developers using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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