Do you have a Gravatar or a avatar.?
Jan24Written by:
2009/01/24 11:43 AM 
A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an avatar image that follows you from blog to blog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites.
Recently we had to upgrade out dotnetnuke blog software. The new blog brought with it some extra cool functionality. One of which was the ability do display avatars with each comment.
So what is an avatar then?
From wiki: "An avatar is a computer user's representation of himself/herself or alter ego, whether in the form of a three-dimensional model used in computer games,a two-dimensional icon (picture) used on Internet forums and other communities".
This is very cool because it makes it much more personal, and gives the readers and commentators a sense of belonging. The avatars work on a registered e-mail. So when you put your registered e-mail in the text box supplied, your avatar is automatically, and immediately downloaded. This is called a gravatar.
What is a Gravatar?
"A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an avatar image that follows you from blog to blog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. Avatars help identify your posts on web forums, so why not on blogs?"
You can register your email address and upload your gravatar at Gravatars also carry a rating, so that you do not have to worry about the types of images on your site. If you softwar can read these ratings, then an alternate gravatar is displayed for an unsuitable rating. THe ratings are:
X rated gravatars may contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence.
R rated gravatars may contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use.
PG rated gravatars may contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence.
A G rated gravatar is suitable for display on all websites with any audience type.
THe other cool thing about this is that when you comment on other blogs that have this feature, your gravatar will also be shown.
Do you have one? If not go get one?
What do you think about Gravatars or avatars? Let me know.
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